Ostensibly White Knighting for Sandpeople, John McCain Attacks Trump Over Russia

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 16, 2016


We’ve got more tears to drink, people – we’re gonna need a bigger bucket.

Washington Post:

Sen. John McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, sent his first shot across the bow of President-elect Donald Trump’s national security plans Tuesday, saying that any attempt to “reset” relations with Russia is unacceptable.

“With the U.S. presidential transition underway, Vladi­mir Putin has said in recent days that he wants to improve relations with the United States,” McCain (R-Ariz.) said in a statement released by his office.

“We should place as much faith in such statements as any other made by a former KGB agent who has plunged his country into tyranny, murdered his political opponents, invaded his neighbors, threatened America’s allies and attempted to undermine America’s elections,” he said.

Might as well add “eats babies” at this point, John.

It is truly an unbelievable skill to be able to stand up and say stuff like this in public without blushing.

His comments about Russia followed a telephone call between Trump and Putin on Monday and came amid reports of upheaval in the national security transition.

In their conversation, the Kremlin said, Putin and Trump agreed that U.S.-Russia relations are “unsatisfactory” and vowed to work together to improve them. Trump’s office later said that they had discussed shared threats and challenges, and the long-term relationship between them.

In his statement, McCain pointed out that Russia, in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, resumed large-scale bombardment Tuesday in Syria.

“The Obama administration’s last attempt at resetting relations with Russia culminated in Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and military intervention in the Middle East,” McCain said. “At the very least, the price of another ‘reset’ would be complicity in Putin and Assad’s butchery of the Syrian people.

“That is an unacceptable price for a great nation. When America has been at its greatest, it is when we have stood on the side [of] those fighting tyranny,” McCain added. “That is where we must stand again.”

These people just don’t get it.

It’s over.

They lost.

Never again are White Americans going to be emotionally manipulated into a war by some emotional gibberish about “oh the poor little unfortunates.”

That period of history has ended.

We had a referendum. The people do not want endless war.

John McCain has to be removed and he has to be disgraced. Like Obama, his entire legacy must be destroyed. He must be remembered in history books as one of the greatest traitors this country has ever known.

Him flailing around, powerless, crying about imaginary victimized brown people and demanding a World War to protect them is a good kick-off to the humiliation extravaganza which is just beginning.