OSU Administration Tells Black Lives Protesters to GTFO or Get Arrested and Expelled

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 8, 2016

We Ohioans might have voted for a mathematically impossible cuckold a couple weeks ago, but we Ohioans just redeemed ourselves by being the first state to shut down a Black Lives Matter campus cry-fest.

We’re not fully redeemed, but we’re getting there.

Columbus Dispatch:

Ohio State University’s Bricker Hall, the seat of university administration, became the site of an “open mic” protest for about eight hours Wednesday night, with dozens of students, faculty and others occupying the area outside President Michael V. Drake’s second-floor office.

Several advocacy groups joined in. They complained that university officials don’t listen to them and have silenced them; officials say they have talked many times with the leaders of the groups, and that the protesters just don’t like the answer.

University officials say the occupation began with about 80 people at around 3:30 p.m.; a statement from one of the organizers said it was about 150. Most remained until early evening, but then they began leaving in small groups and the final group of about 25 left at about 12:30 a.m., an official said.

YouTube videos show students chanting and singing; in one, Jay Kasey, OSU’s senior vice president for administration and planning, tells those in the group that they must leave by 5 a.m. or they will be arrested and likely expelled.


A university official said at least three violations of the student code of conduct were prevalent: failure to comply with university or civil authority; unauthorized presence; and disorderly or disruptive conduct.

Kasey told the protesters he would not argue with them. “We simply tell you the truth and you live with your actions,” he said. When someone asked what he meant by “clear the building,” Kasey responded, “Our police officers will physically pick you up and take you to a paddy wagon.


“#NoEndsNOW” and “#ReclaimOSU” were among the social-media tags used by those supporting The Real Food Challenge, United Students Against Sweatshops, Committee for Justice in Palestine, OSU Coalition for Black Lives and others. A group called the Afrikan Black Coalition declared on its blog that university officials were “starving” protesters because they would not allow them to have food brought in the building.

It appears that a new day may have dawned.

There is no more public support for these idiot Blacks except in the most extreme quarters, and our establishment is no longer obligated to to cater to their stupid, childlike emotions.

Proud to be an Ohioan today.
