Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 24, 2013
With Duck Dynasty looking at being canceled by Jewish-run A&E because the show’s stars have refused to go along with the Jewish-run homosexualization of America, two other networks are ready to take the show and run with it. This could end up being excellent. The ratings would presumably remain basically the same, and they could have a much more hardcore pro-Christian, pro-gun, anti-homo message in the show, which would then continue to provoke cultural warfare in America.
From TMZ:
The owner of the popular Christian-affiliated Hunt Channel — a guy named Merrill Sport — tells TMZ, he’d pick up DD in a heart beat … and would beam the show straight to its most loyal viewers: sportsmen and Christians.
He says, “We believe in the 2nd amendment and freedom of speech … A&E needs to put on their big boy pants, and if they don’t like the programming, they need to either let [DD] go or shut up and pay them.”
Sports adds, “A&E is too scripted. [Hunt Channel] would let the personalities flow.”
Rusty Faulk, CEO of the outdoorsy Pursuit Channel agrees, telling us Pursuit is 100% interested in grabbing DD if A&E takes a pass. Rusty adds, “We don’t censor our personalities.”
I hope that the reader understands the importance of the Duck Dynasty drama, and why I am spending so much time dealing with it. It isn’t because I like the show, or have ever actually even seen it. In the realm of popular culture, a spiritual war is taking place. I believe the Jews have pushed this too far, with a man who isn’t going to apologize, and thus two sides – us and the Jews – are being represented in the public arena in a way that they haven’t been in a long time.
It does not matter that Robertson is not naming the Jew, or that he is not a totally hardcore racist. In fact, nothing about him as a person is relevant, other than his core image, which is of a traditional, masculine Christian family man. He and his family are now a symbol, an avatar, which is serving to represent White Christian society, and thus is presently filling a critical role in the spiritual pscyhodrama.
This situation is incredibly interesting when looked at along these lines, and could possibly become much more interesting in the future.