The New Observer
January 11, 2016
The “out of Africa” theory of the origin of mankind has been thrown into doubt once again with a new investigation into ancient bacteria found in the “Ötzi iceman” body.
Ötzi is the name given to Europe’s oldest known natural human mummy, a man who lived around 5,300 years ago and whose body was found frozen in a glacier in 1991.
The new study, published by the European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC)—a famous private research center—showed that the timeline proposed for the “migration out of Africa” was not compatible with the bacteria found in Ötzi’s body.
The “out of Africa” theory claims that all people originated out of a migration from the landmass which became Africa some 65,000 years ago.
The history of bacteria is well-known to coincide with the history of families, transmitted as it is within the family unit.
Scientists had always assumed that there were originally two types of a bacterium known as Helicobacter pylori—an African one and an Asian version.
The “out of Africa” theory has relied on the supposition that the European version of Helicobacter pylori was created after the “migration” and was composed of a combination of the African and Asian strains.
Thus it was expected that Ötzi’s Helicobacter pylori type would be the same as that found in modern Europeans—but it is not.
As the official EURAC statement said:
Up till now, it had been assumed that Neolithic humans were already carrying this European strain by the time they stopped their nomadic life and took up agriculture.
Research on Ötzi, however, demonstrates that this was not the case.
“We had assumed that we would find the same strain of Helicobacter in Ötzi as is found in Europeans today,” explains the computational biologist [Thomas Rattei from the University of Vienna].
“It turned out to be a strain that is mainly observed in Central and South Asia today.”
“The recombination of the two types of Helicobacter may have only occurred at some point after Ötzi’s era, and this shows that the history of settlements in Europe is much more complex than previously assumed,” says Maixner [EURAC’s microbiologist Frank Maixner].
What this means is that the population of early Europe does not fit with the timeline proposed by the “out of Africa” theory, and that even now, scientists cannot say with any certainty that any of the proposed theories are completely accurate or not.
Many scientists, for example, argue for what is known as the “multi-regional” origin of mankind, saying that genetic and physical racial differences indicate that the various races of man arose independently of each other in geographically disparate—and isolated environments at several places, and not just “in Africa.”
The “out of Africa” theory has however become popular amongst the politically correct elite not because it is any more “accurate” than any other theory, but because it has served a political purpose in the “all races are the same” egalitarian ideology which underpins present-day liberalism.
* Ötzi’s DNA has already been fully analyzed. His male Y-DNA is now most commonly found in south Corsica, and his female mitochondrial DNA has shown that Ötzi belongs to the K1 subclade, found in about 10 percent of modern Europeans.
In October 2013, scientists from the Institute of Legal Medicine at Innsbruck Medical University found through a unique genetic mutation that nineteen present-day Europeans from the Tyrol were related to Ötzi.