Our 7,000-Year History Of World Navigation and Its Destruction By Jews

James Laffrey
Whites Will Win Party
June 19, 2013

The Orkney Islands are loaded with precision-placed mounds such as this one. Liars and dupes call them “tombs.” Officially called “cairns,” they were never tombs but actually shelters and classrooms in the navigation-school system.

Our 7,000-Year History Of World Navigation And The Jews’ Destruction Of It

What if every time we Whites came across Indian arrowheads or Indians’ buried bones, we called White authorities to secretly cart them off and conceal them from public knowledge?

As you know, we Whites don’t do that. We Whites know that The Truth Never Fears Investigation.

But Indians and jews are, in fact, secretly carting off and hiding the discoveries all across North America that clearly show that White people were here thousands of years ago. How clearly? Forensic scientists and anthropologists can easily identify bones, especially skulls, by race, and they have done so. (Link to a forensic science page. But be wary: the skull they chose to display as “Caucasoid” has the sloping forehead typical of jews, not of Whites!)

Let me present a short list. After the list, I will provide further commentary. However, I recommend that you do not click on any links until after being informed by the entire list.

Preliminary facts: Please compare these simple facts against the main list farther below. Starting with the oldest:

  • The great pyramid-building civilization of what we call “ancient Egypt” was only about 4,600 years ago.
  • The height of what we call “ancient Greece” was only 2,500 years ago.
  • The height of what we call “ancient Rome” was only 2,000 years ago (and Christianity was invented at that time in the Middle East).

Now, the list. Note: These are not presented in order by age, but most of them are older than “ancient Egypt”:

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