“Our Patience has Its Limits” – China Tells the Philippines to Stop Attacking Ships, Tells US Terrorists Not to Try

First they told you we needed a war to protect the supremacy of the Aryan race in the Ukraine. Now they’re telling you it’s time to go to war to protect Filipino fishing rights. Meanwhile, our own cities are being rapidly conquered by violent barbarian hordes.

The situation in the South China Sea is heating up as the Jews in Washington push to open a new front in their global war.

For those who haven’t been following the story: basically, in April, the Philippines, under direction from the United States, stationed a Philippine Coast Guard ship in Chinese territory and now runs “supply missions” that they use as an opportunity to attack Chinese vessels.

Now, the US is saying that they want to get involved and start attacking Chinese ships in order to “protect Philippine sovereignty.”

The whole thing was obviously set up as a confrontation point between the US and China as the US continues to use the Philippines as a Ukraine-style pawn for their own global war ambitions.

The Philippines has zero chance of winning a war against the Chinese. This is exactly the same thing as the Ukraine, where a third country is being used as a battering ram to start a regional conflict.

It’s a really bizarre move, to just park a ship in the reef and then claim you have to bring them food so you have to keep moving ships and helicopters in and out of the reef. They’re apparently trying to claim the ship has some kind of malfunction and can’t leave.

China Daily:

China is committed to properly managing differences through dialogue and consultations, but its “tolerance does have a limit”, a Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman said on Thursday regarding the Philippines’ recent provocations in China’s Xianbin Reef in the South China Sea.

The spokesman, Senior Colonel Wu Qian, made the remarks at a news conference in Beijing, criticizing the Southeast Asian country’s efforts to seek long-term existence in the uninhabited reef by illegally anchoring a vessel there.

In April, Philippine coast guard ship No 9701 entered the lagoon of Xianbin Reef and has been anchored there since.

Chinese authorities closely monitored and managed an illegal resupply mission by a Philippine H-145 helicopter on Wednesday near the Xianbin Reef, China Coast Guard spokesman Gan Yu said late on Thursday.

Gan said the helicopter had attempted to deliver supplies to a Philippine coast guard vessel unlawfully stationed in the area. He warned that this risky maneuver by the Philippines could result in unforeseen maritime and aerial incidents.

He noted that the Philippines had recently tried and failed to resupply the No 9701 ship using watercraft such as coast guard ships, government vessels and fishing boats.

The spokesman said that the No 9701 ship is operational and capable of leaving independently. But the Philippines has chosen to endanger the crew’s health and safety, using “humanitarianism” as a pretext for reckless rights violations.

A spokesperson for the Armed Forces of the Philippines said that the maneuvers by the Chinese undermined the safety of the Philippine crew members and violated international law, according to media reports.

Wu, the defense ministry spokesman, rebutted the claims, saying that China has indisputable sovereignty over Nansha Islands, including Xianbin Reef, and its adjacent waters.

The Philippine ship’s intrusion has seriously violated China’s sovereignty, breached international law and the stipulations of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, and undermined regional peace and stability, Wu said.

“The Chinese side firmly opposes those activities and has lodged solemn representations multiple times”, said Wu, stressing that the Philippines’ attempt to seek a permanent presence at Xianbin Reef is akin to opening a “Pandora’s box” and has drawn strong opposition from regional countries.

The spokesman also responded to recent comments by United States officials claiming that a Mutual Defense Treaty between the Philippines and the US applies to armed attacks on Philippine armed forces, public vessels or aircraft anywhere in the South China Sea.

Wu said that no country is able to surpass the US in stirring up trouble or disrupting peace and stability in the South China Sea.

“It is the US’ support and endorsement that have emboldened the Philippine side in making reckless provocations time and again,” Wu noted.

He said that intimidating China with the Mutual Defense Treaty will never work.

“On the contrary, it will only result in stronger indignation and greater morale among the Chinese people,” he stressed.

This is literally all the US does: they go around the world stirring up trouble.

Seriously, name one place where the US has brought peace in recent memory. The only thing they ever do is make problems. They go around the world making problems for everyone, then they claim to be the victim of the entire world, claiming that they were only trying to help gays and remember the Holocaust.

With the war the US started in the Ukraine, they at least had some kind of narrative, where the Ukraine was a victim. It would be impossible for anyone to believe that narrative unless they were retarded, but they had some kind of narrative. Now, with this war the US is doing in Palestine, there isn’t even a narrative and they are just saying “yeah, well, we’re killing all the babies and if you try to stop us, we’ll kill you.”

When you ask them why they are killing all the babies in Palestine, they will again start talking about gay rights and the Holocaust.

Normal people are shocked when they hear that the US is slaughtering homophobic toddlers. But it’s such a wild claim that no one can even respond to it. They are left with their jaws open, sputtering.

Third Front

Russia is the first front of the global war for anal sex and the Holocaust. Gaza is the second front. China is the third front, which the US is apparently currently trying to open up.

Jake Sullivan was just in China earlier this week and Xi Jinping greeted him in a hallway from the 1970s. They didn’t even bother to put up flags.

That’s the official published photo. For comparison, here’s the one from when Putin visited a few months ago:

This is what they do with US officials now, and it’s the funniest thing ever: they take their official photos in old hallways. The Chinese sense of humor is subtle and sometimes esoteric, but that is a good example of Chinese humor at its peak.

Based on the readouts from the meetings Sullivan had in Beijing, Taiwan was discussed a lot more than the South China Sea, despite the fact that it is in the latter that the US is currently trying to stir up a whirlwind. They’ve actually sort of backed off of Taiwan, and Sullivan said that Biden was lying about the US now having a policy that Taiwan is an “independent country.”

No one knows if the “stranded Filipino ship” situation in the South China Sea will escalate or if it will clear up and then some other incident will arise, but the fact that the US is pressing the situation, saying they are going to come in and help the Filipinos resupply the ship, proves that the US agenda is continued escalation.

The South China Sea Dispute

The basic dispute in the South China Sea is over the ownership of various islands in the sea, which allow whoever owns them to claim the surrounding waters.

China claims the entire territory, up to the maritime borders of Vietnam and the Philippines.

If you’re looking at the map, you might say “well, it does look like that Chinese claim dips down pretty far under their country.” The response to that is that China has controlled the sea and held it for thousands of years. The other response, which is much more important, is that China is worried about US/NATO attempting to assert control over this territory. The fact that the US is backing the Philippines in their attacks on Chinese ships proves that they are, indeed, attempting to assert military control over the region.

The most important question here is: what the hell does this have to do with the United States? If China controls those islands, what consequence is there for America? Why is America getting involved in this? Do you want your children to die for the fishing rights of Filipinos and Viets? Is that why America exists? To protect Southeast Asian fishing waters, in the same way we protect the settlements of the chosen ones?

It’s sort of cheap to mention that the US border remains open while the US is threatening a war with a superpower country over the fishing rights of a Third World country. It’s cheap, but it’s true. That is what is happening. The US government is telling you that you don’t have any sovereign rights over your own towns, your own neighborhoods, while also telling you that you might have to go die in a war to protect the fishing rights of a country on the opposite side of the planet.

Imagine if the Chinese were helping the Cubans attack US ships in the Gulf of Mexico. That is the analog here. Would anyone be defending the Chinese in such a situation?

Why does the US insist on creating trouble all around the world like this?