Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 25, 2015

It is a well known fact that Israel is our greatest ally. A slightly lesser-known fact is that Saudi Arabia is our second greatest ally. One of the reasons this is lesser-known is that Saudi Arabia is incontestably the most backward and barbarous country on the planet. They also fund ISIS, which is embarrassing.
Nonetheless, they have been a great friend to us, so it is no surprise that the US government is not making a comment on the fact that they are preparing to crucify and behead a man for protesting.
Saudi Arabia’s justice system reportedly has cleared the way for political activist Ali Mohammed al-Nimr’s crucifixion. No major U.S. presidential candidate has yet weighed in as the looming execution increasingly attracts global attention and outrage.
Critics say al-Nimr’s trial was unfair and the punishment grossly disproportionate — particularly for someone who was a minor at the time of his alleged crimes.
The 21-year-old Shiite from eastern Saudi Arabia is the nephew of a prominent dissident cleric. Both were arrested in 2012 following political protests and later sentenced to death by the fundamentalist Sunni kingdom, along with a handful of others.
U.K.-based advocacy group Reprieve says al-Nimr, arrested when he was 17 years old, was tortured. His father told Agence France-Presse this week his son denies allegations he committed non-political crimes including burglary and throwing Molotov cocktails.
The penalty of crucifixion, recently practiced by the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq, would reportedly feature decapitation by sword, followed by display of al-Nimr’s body on a cross.
Appeals of the sentence were exhausted in early September, clearing the way for execution at any moment, the International Business Times reports. Few options remain for al-Nimr beyond a pardon from King Salman.
The silence of U.S. presidential candidates perhaps should be unsurprising. Saudi Arabia historically is a U.S. ally and key source of oil imports and philanthropy dollars.
A State Department spokesman declined to comment on the case Tuesday, pleading ignorance.
But the spokesman, Mark Toner , said the U.S. government “welcome[s]” the recent selection of Saudi Arabia for a leadership role on the U.N. Human Rights Council. “We’re close allies,” he explained.
Critics frequently point to Saudi Arabia’s human rights record as one not to applaud. These include the jailing for 10 years of liberal blogger Raif Badawi, whose pro-democracy postings also earned him 1,000 lashes. The kingdom has killed hundreds of Yemeni civilians with a U.S.-backed bombing campaign against Shiite rebels allied with Yemen’s former leader — a longtime U.S.-Saudi ally — against his former deputy, who was voted into office in a one-man election.
Here’s the kid:
So, yeah.

Obama as well as all previous Presidents, have constantly posed in gay-looking photos with the Saudi Royalty that literally crucifies political protesters.

Saudi Arabia did get a new king earlier this year, but that doesn’t have anything to do with crucifying this kid, who was arrested and sentenced to death in 2012. Obama has visited “the oil-rich Middle Eastern kingdom” many times since the arrest and death sentence. It’s never been brought up.
Meanwhile, the US government has thrown a gigantic fit about laws in Russia banning gays from targeting children.

Europe isn’t saying anything about this crucifixion either, while ol’ Jabba the Merkel is dancing around talking about Poland and Hungary having a “moral imperative” to allow unlimited numbers of Blacks and Arabs into their country to live on welfare and rape their girls.
At the same time, American soldiers are being punished for interfering when US-backed puppet-government officials in Afghanistan are caught raping boys. Because, well, “that’s their culture.”
But it isn’t Russian culture to not allow gays to openly recruit minors. No, that has nothing to do with culture. That is pure evil.
Because gay rights must be human rights around the world.

Barack Obama’s administration has literally gone so far as to sanction Uganda for violations of alleged “gay rights.”

This, mind you, while 96% of Ugandans support laws against homosexuality, according to Pew Research Center.
So, yet again, “promoting democracy” doesn’t have anything to do with the promotion of the will of the majority, as the term ostensibly implies. It has to do with imposing the agenda of International Jewry on the masses of the entire planet.
Does all this not show how entirely disingenuous this whole PC empire really is?