Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2015

Dear Sweden: Is this what you wanted?
Of the 9.5 million people living in Sweden, 1.53 million were born abroad. That’s up from 1.47 million in 2012 and 1.08 million in 2003. In other words, the number of foreign-born residents in Sweden has increased by 41 percent since 2003.
2 million people have a foreign background, if you include everyone who was born abroad or born in Sweden to two foreign-born parents. This was up slightly on 2012, but up by more than 600,000, or 43 percent, since 2003.
2 million of 9.5 million is 21%.
21% of the population of Sweden is non-Swedish.
Up 43% from 2003.
The overwhelming majority of these immigrants are from African and Moslem countries.
This is a nation in an advanced stage of a program of genocide.
If Sweden decided to close her borders tomorrow, it would still be less than thirty years before foreigners made up a majority of the population, if you do the math on the rate at which these monkeys breed.
And Sweden isn’t closing her borders tomorrow. No, instead she continues to take in more foreigners per capita than any other nation in Europe, and has vowed to take in unlimited Syrian refugees.
Meanwhile, Sweden has the highest rate rape in Europe, the second highest in the world.
In our lifetime, we are going to see Sweden transform into a Moslem caliphate. There simply is nothing else that can happen, short of mass deportations of people who have already been granted legal status – often citizenship – in the country. I’m not saying that they cannot conceivably strip these people of their legal status and eject them. They could do that. But it would take the will to do so.
Is this what you wanted?