Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
June 26, 2017
How can human rights apply to individuals who aren’t human?
Human rights is one of the biggest hoaxes ever. It’s a politically loaded term used by Jews to demonize people they don’t like as human rights violators.
It is also used to protect the endless numbers of shit skin savages that have been let into White European countries. We are told over and over again that deporting these invaders would be mean and represent some sort of human rights violation. Never mind the fact that one could easily argue that they aren’t even human based on their violent behavior!
Turns out that 40 foreign terrorists have used human rights laws to stay in the UK.
There are no words to describe how insane this is.
More than 40 foreign terrorists have used human rights laws to remain in the UK, according to an unpublished report delayed by the Home Office.
The study highlights the near insurmountable problem for the Government in deporting dangerous jihadists and follows a series of Islamic State-inspired attacks in the UK.
In the court cases, lawyers – typically funded through legal aid – have successfully prevented foreign-born terror suspects from being sent back to their home countries.
At a time when Britain’s security services are fully stretched, the additional burden of monitoring so many foreign terrorist inevitably adds to the strain.
Details are contained in a report ordered by Theresa May when Home Secretary into a scheme called Deportation with Assurances (DWA).
The scheme – in theory – allows the UK to expel terror suspects with guarantees they will not be mistreated or even tortured in their home country.
But it appears to have broken down allowing terrorists to remain in the UK.
The report is potentially embarrassing for the prime minister because it is expected to highlight the collapse of an initiative she pushed hard for while in the Home Office.
If human rights were really a thing, why don’t Jews apply it in their dealings with the Palestinians? The answer is simple. They don’t believe in human rights and use the term selectively.
It is interesting that when Theresa May was Home Secretary she pushed for the program that is allowing these terrorist savages to stay in the country. All because of human rights. Well, what about the human rights of your own people you dumb bitch? You have Moslems blowing up little White girls now!
Apparently like the Jews, she is also a selective believer in human rights. She has chosen the human rights of Islamic savages over the native British.
This shows once again that the Brits really need to put a serious person in power. The fact that Jeremy Corbyn would make a better Prime Minister than this insane woman is proof that the country has some major problems. If they don’t make major political changes soon, this situation will only be resolved through a race war.