Oxford NF Rally Against Non-White Child Rapists a Huge Success

British National Front
July 29, 2014


National Front activists gathered in Oxford on Saturday 26th July 2014 to demand tougher sentences for convicted groomers of children following the conviction of yet another Muslim grooming gang, this time in the city of Oxford. Around 60 NF members and supporters assembled in the city centre around 1pm with a unnecessarily large police presence, as is the norm nowadays.


A group of Marxist misfits gathered near to our RV point, “held back” by the police as they screamed offensive abuse. As usual, if the police hadn’t been there, the reds would have been nowhere to be seen. Unusually though, Thames Valley Police, unlike most police forces in the UK who allow the reds to get away with anything, were remarkably intolerant of offensive remarks and proceeded to arrest around half a dozen reds as the NF looked on in amusement.


The reds dispersed for the time being and the NF supporters marched to where we thought we were going to have our rally and meet and address the public. With a few reds going into hysterics as the NF proudly marched by, the police changed tactics and led us down a side street away from the main shopping area. There, under protest, we held our rally with some members of the public making their way through to listen to speeches by Adam Lloyd, Daz Lumb and party leader Kev Bryan. As an added bonus to what was already a successful day, the police then decided to ‘escort’ us to a local pub for a drink and we again marched, flags and banners held high as we left Oxford.

Thanks to local organiser Mike M. for his hard work in getting this demonstration off the ground.