Oxford University Forces New Students to Undergo ‘White Privilege’ Brainwashing

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
June 15, 2015

This throwback to the pleistocene era is not even capable of joined-up writing, yet thinks it is White people who are the ones privileged to be at Oxford and not him.

All new students at Oxford university are to be forced to undergo training in how to hate the White man in a soon to be compulsory course called Race 101 – How Not To Be Racist.


Marc Shi, chair of the university’s Campaign for Racial Awareness and Equality, part of the student led initiative organising the sessions, told TheIndependent: “Race consciousness and anti-racism needs to be part of the way that the University is supporting its students, which is not the case right now.”

The workshops will take place this October in the first week of the 2015-16 academic year.

Mr Shi says the campaign hopes to make attendance at the sessions compulsory for staff as well as students: “We think that if these workshops are to be effective they need to be compulsory in colleges as well as for welfare and support staff.”

The workshops will examine “white privilege, cultural appropriation and micro-aggressions… against students of colour.”

Earlier this month, the Oxford Union passed a motion declaring itself “institutionally racist.” The motion came after the prestigious debating chamber served a controversial cocktail called ‘Colonial Comeback’ at the debate ‘This House believes Britain owes reparations to her former colonies.’ The advert for the cocktail featured an image of black hands in chains.

The Union’s Black and Minority Ethnic Officer, Esther Odejimi,resigned in response to the cocktail, commenting that “racism is definitely not dead” at Oxford.

How the hell can they call all the hard work required to pass the entrance examinations to Oxford ‘White privilege against students of colour’?

Old memes: Can she really not see the truth behind what she is holding up? Amazing stupidity.

It is the foreign parasites who have no history of even being able to write that are the recipients of privilege at the university, not the White folks.

The article even gives an example of this, with the pointless position of Black and Minority Ethnic Officer being created especially for the ungrateful whiners.