
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 6, 2015

Hellenic Oxichan has arrived in your zone.
Hellenic Oxichan has arrived in your zone. Your fortune: Happening.

Greece has said no. By a wide margin.


Even while polls showed that 75% wanted to stay in the Euro. They want to stay in the Euro they just don’t want to pay these Jews.


The final result in the referendum, published by the interior ministry, was 61.3% “No”, against 38.7% who voted “Yes”.

Greece’s governing Syriza party had campaigned for a “No”, saying the bailout terms were humiliating.

Their opponents warned that this could see Greece ejected from the eurozone, and a summit of eurozone heads of state has now been called for Tuesday.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said late on Sunday that Greeks had voted for a “Europe of solidarity and democracy”.

Turns out Alexis isn’t so much a shill as he is an opportunist troll who just wants to lol while the world burns. I guess. But now he’s saying he’s going back to the negotiating table.

This is fake. But I wouldn't be surprised if the feminists and Jews running the EU come out with a "sometimes Greece says no to tease you, when she really means yes" argument.
This is fake. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the feminists and Jews running the EU come out with a “sometimes Greece says no to tease you, when she really means yes” argument.

If he’s going to troll he should troll harder. But maybe part of the troll is he lols that no one knows for sure if he is joking or just stupid.

Meanwhile, the government says it can’t print Drachma.


With speculation swirling that Greece might be forced out of the euro and have to print its own money after a weekend referendum, its finance minister on Thursday said the country no longer had the presses to make drachmas.

“We don’t have the capacity,” Yanis Varoufakis told Australian public radio network ABC.

In 2000, the year before Greece joined the eurozone, “one of the things we had to do was get rid of all our printing presses” as part of the bloc’s assertion that “this monetary union is irreversible,” he said.

“We smashed the printing presses — we have no printing presses,” Varoufakis said.

Whatever. This mess can only end one way.

The Golden Dawn is coming.

Flanked by his party members, Ilias Kassidiaris (C), an MP and spokesman for the extreme-right Golden Dawn party leaves an appeals court in Athens after his trial on March 7, 2013. The lawmaker from Greece's far right Golden Dawn party has been cleared in court of complicity in an assault and robbery. Kassidiaris was accused of providing the getaway car to five men who attacked a student at a university near Athens with knives and bats and stole his wallet. Kassidiaris shot to notoriety last year when he slapped a left-wing member of parliament in the face and poured a glass of water in the face of another during a television debate ahead of the legislative elections. AFP PHOTO / LOUISA GOULIAMAKI        (Photo credit should read LOUISA GOULIAMAKI/AFP/Getty Images)