Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 22, 2015

Reddit recently gassed r/GasTheKikes, literally replacing the page with the door of a gas chamber as some kind of sick joke.

But those who hate the kikes have a new home on Reddit – friends, I would like to invite you to KikeTown, where kikes don’t just get gassed – they get turned into lampshades.

This will be an interesting experiment in Reddit censorship, as this is the exact same forum, with the same crowd and the same type of posts, but it doesn’t have a name which jokes about genocide.
GasTheKikes was banned under the ToS clause that it was “inciting harm against others,” even while any non-autist could understand that the title was satirical, and the actual posters on the forum don’t even believe that the Holocaust happened.
Please note that autists cannot understand sarcasm – source, source, source – which goes a long way to explaining the jimmy rustling that goes on in the comments section of the Daily Stormer as well as many other places on the internet.
Steve Huffman, the new CEO of Reddit, may well indeed be autistic, mind you – so this could all be a genuine misunderstanding.

So, if this is all just one big autistic mess of confusion, perhaps our worries are over. Perhaps GasTheKikes merely needed to change its name so as not to confuse Steve Huffman, and we can all now move on with our lives.
Chilling Effect
Limiting free speech has a chilling effect. And not the good kind like “bro, chill out,” “throw those brewskies in the chiller,” or the chilling effect that a Kurt Vile track can have on a party that is getting a bit too rowdy.
This is the bad kind of chilling, like where no one knows what they are or aren’t allowed to say and is thus afraid of saying anything.
In a legal context, a chilling effect is the inhibition or discouragement of the legitimate exercise of natural and legal rights by the threat of legal sanction. The right that is most often described as being suppressed by a chilling effect is the US constitutional right to free speech. A chilling effect may be caused by legal actions such as the passing of a law, the decision of a court, or the threat of a lawsuit; any legal action that would cause people to hesitate to exercise a legitimate right (freedom of speech or otherwise) for fear of legal repercussions.
What this means in the context of the internet is that your site is doomed, because no one wants to deal with that nagging nanny crap.
So your website chills out because it is no longer a hot spot.
This effect has already happened on several subreddits, which, because they had been taken over by Jewish control-freak moderators, censored too much and then imploded the thing completely.
Slippery Slope
Another buzzword associate with censorship is “slippery slope.” This, again, does not refer to the good kind of slippery slope, like a water slide or slip n’ slide frequented by binge-drinking co-eds.

We are instead talking about a kind of slippery slope that is metaphorical, in the context of free speech. It is a term meaning that once you start censoring one thing, you start censoring other things and eventually you are censoring everything.
Reddit could not possibly survive this. The site has gotten popular with the normies (who are universally too stupid to use chan sites) because they can find things there that can’t find on other sites, and this excites their normie sensibilities with an element of danger. The reason they find these things there is because the censorship is loose, due to the classical liberal policy of free speech.
Technically the site could survive, it would just become an SJW base like tumblr, but because tumblr already exists and SJW numbers are not expanding, it would be redundant and not very popular.
They appear to be embracing this new identity, however.
All of you in interracial relationships are looking fabulous. Great stuff on r/psychology.
— reddit (@reddit) July 21, 2015
Further Expert Business Analysis
On some level, the direction of Reddit will have repercussions on the rest of the internet. They are the last main base in the mainstream of free speech. If we compare them to Facebook and YouTube, for example (or Google in many instances – they won’t let DS on Google News even though we rank higher than 3/4ths of their partners, many of which are crap blogs and foreign crap news sites which aren’t even accurate or respected by anyone), it is almost incredible that they still allow something like CoonTown to exist on their servers.
A successful crackdown, if it was pulled off, would put other internet megaliths in a position to further their own clampdown on speech. However, an unsuccessful crackdown would do the opposite – make companies more resistant to board the ADL/SPLC/SJW “Shut It Down” train.
Everyone is watching this situation unfold. The Jewish anti-speech organizations and the Jewish-inspired SJW e-mob would like Twitter in particular to come down harder on freedom, and the ADL is still constantly attacking YouTube and Facebook for not doing enough to destroy freedom, even while they already do a lot.