Oz: 13-Year-Old Fag Commits Suicide – Timely Death Used to Push Classroom Indoctrination

Daily Stormer
November 27, 2016

Honestly, how could act like this and expect to not get bullied?

A 13-year-old boy in Australia committed suicide and now his death is being used to push “Safe Schools.”

If you’re unaware, Safe Schools is a government funded program in Australia designed to help fags in the classroom ‘feel safe.’

They want teachers to start educating children on the homosexual and transgendered lifestyle, making sure they know that they should not be ashamed if they are one or want to be one.

In fact, it’s clear that the program actually encourages kids to engage in this “lifestyle.” They’ll teach you safe homo sex practices, and make sure you’re fully prepared for your AIDs journey!

Call it “kike indoctrination,” if you will.


Gays: They will Jew you.

A gay suicide? PERFECT!!!

It’s currently a massive battle in the land down under, as Catholic and Moslem schools have said they will not be taking it on. And parents have been more than outspoken that they don’t want it.


Ofc there was no outcry when the haji Principal rejected the LBGTABCEDFJG+ initiative

Even the Asians rejected it.

So when Pansy Tyrone Unsworth committed suicide, the Jew Media ran with the story, and used it to pull at shitlibs heart strings and emphasize that this is why Australia needs Safe Schools.

(Because apparently only faggots get bullied)

This story is a classic case of Jew-style reporting.

I certainly did not walk away after reading about it believing that your common school bullies were to blame for it. I even ended up questioning whether the kid actually killed himself or the parents had some involvement.

So let’s break the Yid Propaganda down shall we.

The Courier Mail:

A 13-YEAR-OLD Brisbane high school student has taken his own life after being bullied about his sexuality. 

Amanda Unsworth said her teenage son Tyrone, a Year 7 student at Aspley State High School, was taunted for years about being gay before his tragic death on Tuesday.

“He was a really feminine male, he loved fashion, he loved make-up and the boys always picked on him, calling him gay-boy, faggot, fairy; it was a constant thing from Year 5,” she said.

It starts off as your typical school bullying story.

Nothing particularly unusual. It’s the average story you’d expect the media to shove down every normie’s throat in order to make them feel sorry for homosexuals.

But who is Tyrone? Who is it I’m supposed to be feeling sorry for?

Well let’s take a look at what image the media is constantly using of Tyrone:


Wow he looks young for 13! Of wait- never mind, it’s an old photo. And yes, this Tyrone is white.

Why not use this more recent image? I think it better represents who he was as a person.


Wow he was an hero

Tyrone’s death came less than a month after he was hospitalised following a violent clash, allegedly with a fellow student, outside the school grounds.

Ms Unsworth claimed her son was hit in the jaw with a fence paling so hard that he required surgery and was too afraid to return to school after the incident.

Wow, that’s pretty serious.

<sarcasm> I’m sure the parents (knowing that he was being bullied) did everything in their power to try and prevent such a thing from happening! </sarcasm>

Ms Unsworth said before that attack the family had not reported the bullying to Aspley State High School.

So your young son is being taunted and has been taunted for years, you don’t report it to the school, you don’t consider that switching schools might help and then cry when it escalates?

And I’m not supposed to be questioning any of that?

Typical Jew

No Goy! Stay on track! Bigots are to blame for this!!

The school’s response:

We had no reports to the school of the bullying, we really try to work with families to resolve these complex issues. I’m just so sorry and sad that we didn’t have the opportunity to help this young man.”

I’m seeing a very clear case of negligence here.

The parents didn’t do anything at all to help the situation yet shitlibs can only come to the conclusion that ‘bigots’ are to blame.

Well, I’m sure after that happened they were going to at least change schools, right?

The Age:

When he recovered, Tyrone was too frightened to return to school, fearing the harassment of his tormentors.


His mother also posted this on Facebook:

Since last month? When he was impaled? What about before that? Does this mean she actually did send him back to the same school after he was hospitalized? If not then I can’t see how them knowing about it once he had already been attacked and pulled out of school is even relevant.

But they do say people tend to talk a bit too much when they’re guilty of something ; )

See, usually parents claim that they had no idea their child was even being bullied and wish they had so that they could have stepped in and done something.

These parents did know and didn’t do anything.

And because of that I’m supposed to read this and then agree that all children should be taught to experiment with their sexuality?

No thanks.

Now let’s take a look at his parents:

tbh I think papa looks a little too happy that he doesn’t have to watch his son prance around like a fairy anymore

How do we really know that the son committed suicide? Will they even bother investigating the parents? Were his issues becoming a burden on them? Were they embarrassed by him? They certainly didn’t do anything to help him.

The mother has done nothing but post a bunch of statuses on Facebook since her son died a few days ago.

But if the story is as they’re saying it is, and he did commit suicide due to his gender identity issues, then the kikes will have to try harder if they want to make me feel the least bit sorry for a queer.

Being a victim to bullying does not call for the normalization of a mental disease.

When Suzie gets bullied for being overweight, are we all going to teach children that being obese is perfectly healthy?

If I commit suicide because I’ve lost friends due to my right-winged beliefs, are they going to start preaching acceptance and tolerance for Nazis?

No. That would never happen.

But there’s a gay agenda and that’s the only reason you’re hearing about Tyrone and being manipulated into feeling sorry for him.

People can’t help but be a sucker for the Untermensch voice.