Oz: African Teens Stomp White Kid Over Historical Injustices

Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
June 6, 2016

This White kid's privilege is no match for a dozen angry dindus

This White kid’s privilege is no match for a dozen angry dindus

A White Melbourne boy has got his just desserts for being born with White skin in his own country.

The 14-year-old was exhibiting his privilege at a shopping mall when he triggered a group of African teens angry about stuff. Wasting no time at this affront on what was, after all, their territory the gang of black youths proceeded to administer a beating that would have made a plantation owner proud.

Seven News:

The horrific assault was captured on video by cowards who encouraged the violence instead of stepping in to stop it.

With his hands in his pockets, 14 year old Haydyn Wilson is kicked in the face so hard he falls to the ground.

He can do nothing but cover his face while the group of five continues to inflict shocking violence.

The screams in the video are coming from his girlfriend who witnessed the terrifying assault but could do nothing to stop it.

“I got a kick to the face and then I got punched a couple of times,” Haydyn said.

“Then I got dropped and they started to kick my head.

Instead of demonizing the African kids as violent thugs, the selfish White should have been thanking them for not treating him lightly; given that Whites have murdered every black that ever lived and still do racism on those left standing.

It is heard to believe but Haydyn miraculously escaped serious injury.

“My lip’s got a hole in it and my nose is still sore,” he said.

Haydyn said the attacked was completely unprovoked and may have been sparked by a rumour.

“Apparently I said I wanted to bash one of them and I didn’t and they all just swarmed,” he said.

Haydyn said he had never met some of those involved. They were older and clearly much bigger.

“I think it’s unfair because there were five of them and one of me. It’s just not right,” he said.

Two of the attackers who can be seen stomping on Haydyn’s head have since been arrested.

A third who started the brawl by kicking him in the face is yet to be caught.

Along with the video, police have seized CCTV of the incident and say they are confident of making more arrests.

It is important that anti-racism activists mobilise outside wherever these two innocent refugees, who saw so much horror before they went to Oz, are being held. There needs to be demonstrations and loud campaigns.

It is the White boy who deserves to be jailed. In light of this provocation by the racist kid in question. Australia MUST quadruple its intake of African refugees. It must offer to take all of Israel’s Africans and any that cannot find five-star accommodation in Europe.

And whatever it does, it must NOT make them angry.