Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
May 30, 2015

A Facebook page showing videos of Aborigines slogging it out in fight clubs based in remote communities in Australia’s Northern Territory has been branded ‘racist’ and removed on the basis of its comments, News.com.au reports.
The page titled N.T Fights was taken down by the Jew-run social media site disappointing some 36,000 followers. This is because the sight of drunken Abos behaving normally was too much for the country’s non-Australian chink-rat Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane who scraped his enormous vocabulary to cough up the word, “disgusting.” Although he may have been referring to the quality of the dim sims that he was busily shoving down his fat boat race.
Judging by the story, it was a conspiracy between News.com.au, Facebook and the fat gook that had this beaut site shut down, thus depriving Aussies of a much needed giggle in their otherwise stressful lives.

Frankly, drunk or not, these Abos are actually to be applauded for behaving like men, even if only in imitation of actual humanity.
A lot of work apparently went into making these non-homo videos entertaining, such as “humorous voice-dubs” as one pissed boong kicks another square in his face, which was, let’s face it, no oil painting to start with. The uploader even ‘looped’ the video so you can get to see the Abo’s head snapping back and forth in a hilarious replay effect.
Well, OK, maybe the taste of the thing is questionable, but what is reasonable is that they’re not pansying about in pink shirts and girlie jeans demanding men piss sitting down, and that a brand of male Tampax be marketed. In short, they’re indulging in the manly sport of fist fighting, which has actually been a prominent feature of outback cultural life since the year dot. They used to have tent battles where challengers could rock up and try their luck taking on the local champ. The difference here is that instead of paying the tent troupe owner for a seat in the tent, viewers can just sit at home and watch the blood sport.

Another, Brenton Jones wrote, “Coon count. Bit of boong r and r.”
Yet, right on the money was Allen Patterson who predicted, “Watch the do-good dick wits scream racist for even showing this.”
Now, real men fight. It’s as simple as that, and if you’re a boong weaned on the goon (cheap cask wine), you’re a hundred times more likely to fight. The site’s unidentified creator told News Corps back in January that, “I started the page as a joke to have a laugh with a few mates and see how many likes it could get.”
Frankly, it’s an all-round compendium of interactive entertainment for all concerned, but not according to the rice munching Asian blow-in who’s paid to tell Australians what unacceptable bigots they are. He stopped slurping on his Tom Yum soup long enough to splutter that, “This material has no place in our society and I’m very disturbed by it. We should take a very dim (sim) view of anyone who revels in physical violence and who celebrates racial bigotry.”
A rep for Kosherbook then chimed in, wailing at a wall that, “We have removed this page for violating our community standards.”
Standards? Yeah, right. Faggotry is OK, child abuse pages (no kidding — the author was recently shown this material that FB refuse to take down) are OK, socialism, anti-White hate pages, but let a few boongs bash the roo-meat out of each other and a French-born Vietnamese troll appointed as ‘Race Discrimination Commissioner’ nearly chokes on his egg roll.