Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
April 28, 2014
![They are Australian because they live there.](/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/9rqsqgrp-1327456888.jpg)
Tony Abbott’s government has sneakily changed visa rules which allows employers in Australia to hire and import an unlimited amount of foreign workers; most of whom will come from Asia.
Visa rules in 2013 had a loophole that allowed employers to bring in unlimited foreign workers, but it was closed. Now it has been reopened, which means Australia is again being flooded with non-White workers from Asia.
“It is reopening a rort for employers,” Dave Noonan, the assistant secretary of the Construction, Forestry, Mining, and Energy Union said. “Even if the department checks [they are importing thousands of non-White Asians], there is no administrative measure they can take.”
The previous prime minister, Julia Gillard, said the then current visa rules were “out of control“, and wanted to change them “to stop foreign workers being put at the front of the queue with Australian workers at the back“.
This will obviously flood Australia with thousands, if not millions, of Asians who will change the country from a majority White one, to a minority White one.
Before the loophole was fixed in 2013, foreign workers were increasing rapidly, and from 2009-10 there were 68 thousand foreign workers on a visa. From 2012-13, it almost doubled too 126 thousand visas granted, according to statistics from the Department of Immigration.
A spokesman for the Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Michaelia Cash, said: “While the Coalition is … committed to deregulation and the removal of unnecessary red tape, we are equally committed to ensuring the integrity of the 457 [visa] program.”
“These secretive changes come on the back of the government’s announced review, which has been stacked to deliver a predetermined outcome that will hurt Australian workers,” said assistant national secretary Scott McDine of the Australian worker’s union.
The reason why Australia is constantly being forced to encouraged to have open borders is because it is a White country, and like all majority White countries, anti-Whites consider them to be “not diverse”.
So in order to “diversify” all these White countries anti-Whites have come up with tens or perhaps even hundreds of excuses to open the borders and then force every White area to become a certain percentage non-White.
These policies of open borders, massive non-White immigration, and forced “diversity” (a.k.a. assimilation) amounts to an intentional world where White people become a shrivelling minority – when conditions like these are forced on a certain group of people that’s genocide, and in this case it’s White genocide.