Oz: Cucked Parents Deny Their Children a White Christmas by Spending It Visiting Gook Orphanages (児童虐待の恐怖)

Daily Stormer
December 28, 2016

No presents Timmy, the Gooks need us!

You know what doesn’t offer white kids a good future? Uprooting them from a stable environment to become nomads in Bali.

Don’t stare into their eyes for too long or they’ll turn you into a cuck!

And that’s exactly what these good samaritan parents have done.

Daily Mail:

Queensland ‘fitspo’ couple Sharny, 36, and Julius Kieser, 35, are known for their popular workout programs for parents.

After years of sharing videos of their routines and daily life, the pair recently packed up their lives, sold everything they owned and travelled to Bali to become ‘nomads’ with their six children.

And while Christmas was once about ‘showering’ their kids with gifts, the couple decided to take a different approach this year and forego gift-giving for a more charitable cause.

A few weeks ago – I got the snip, we sold or gave away everything we owned and the freedom in that act alone had us feeling younger and more at peace, our children became less greedy and more collaborative,’ Julius said in one of their videos.

We turned our clothes into airline tickets. We said goodbye to some loved ones and we are now nomads travelling the world.’

We are now financially free enough that we can travel full time and work with our kids,‘ Sharny added.

Julius then detailed why they decided to buy nothing for their children this Christmas.

This year we decided to do something different… we got the kids nothing. We got the hotel to take us all to a local orphanage,’ he said in their latest YouTube video.

We stopped off at a local supermarket and bought some supplies and gifts since the orphanage is not government-funded and could really do with some help. We had no idea what we were walking into.’

A white couple with six kids would usually be celebrated, as it is obviously encouraged that whites should start families and raise rather large ones. And because (((they))) have made sure that the birth rates in white countries drop, unfortunately the practice of having lots of kids isn’t a common one.

One of their children being indoctrinated to believe that he owes savages something.

But a couple that puts their kids after foreigners at any moment in their lives simply cannot be respected.

At least take your children to a fellow white country and help your own kind out.

pfft, even white orphans look established and successful

Teach them about the art of community by showing them their community.

Don’t give your kids the ‘White Man Burden’ Syndrome, because honestly, we already have enough useless cucks who think it’s their responsibility to be every subhuman’s savior.

We thought we’d bought a lot and we thought it would make a difference but we were shocked, humbled and intimidated by the un-ending need for help that we just couldn’t give.

After a few hours of playing with the kids we handed over our supplies and got into our car… the hardest part was saying goodbye.

Julius said that while they get to walk away and go back to their ‘air conditioned room‘ in their ‘luxury hotel,’ those kids don’t.

They are already teaching their children to feel guilty about their ‘white privilege.’

You haven’t been jumped by a black man yet or blown up by a peaceful Muslim? That’s our privilege! 

You clearly have to introduce your kids to that mindset early on, otherwise how else are manipulative foreigners going to get them to easily bend over backwards for them?

We get to Facetime grandparents. These kids don’t have grandparents. These kids don’t have parents. These kids don’t even have electricity. These kids don’t get to walk away, they don’t get to escape,‘ he said.

When our supplies run out in a few weeks they go back to the brink of poverty and then what?’

Cry me a river.

Maybe these leftists should start asking themselves why it is always non-white countries that are in the crap, and why it’s always white people going into mud countries and ‘saving’ them.

Then they should follow those questions up by asking themselves why white people never need the help of dark-skinned savages.

Let’s not pretend we don’t know why.

Drop the parents a message on their public Facebook page, and tell them the numerous concerns you have when it comes to their traitorous parenting methods.