Oz: Feminists Dressed as Sausages Storm Red Carpet, Chant ‘End the Sausage Party’

Daily Stormer
December 8, 2016

Some crap out of the Dark Crystal going on down under


The Australian Film Industry is nothing compared to Hollywood, and you really wouldn’t expect anybody to take it that seriously.

We’re talking about a country that’s best movie is about a talking dog who doesn’t even move his mouth.

Okay. Maybe it’s not that bad. But financially it’s hardly great, and Australian films tend to flop at the cinemas. It’s a very small industry.

Despite that, feminists are pretending that the Australian Film Industry is a highly successful one that’s not letting women take part in the action.

Sydney Morning Herald:

More than a dozen female filmmakers have made their first appearance on the AACTA awards red carpet, dressed as sausages.

The women stormed the red carpet on Wednesday afternoon, shouting “end the sausage party” in a message to AACTA that its representation of films by women, just 7 per cent, is not enough.

Sophie Mathison from Women in Film and Television NSW (WIFT) said just two narrative feature films out of 28 showcased in this year’s screening tour were by women, and that a number of films that did make the cut actually violated AACTA’s own eligibility criteria.

It looks as if AACTA has a set of rules that they apply if and when it suits them,” she said. “We had one female filmmaker who didn’t even submit her film because she knew it didn’t fit the criteria, and then other films that also didn’t fit made the screening tour. If these rules are just made to be broken then they need to be overhauled.

As usual, they want women to win without having to put in any effort.


Hillary Clinton should have been an eye opener that this is not how the game works

If her female friend didn’t submit her film then how does she know whether or not they wouldn’t have just let it through anyway?

You can’t win the lottery and cry about it if you didn’t even buy a ticket.

But of course feminists don’t know how to work towards what they want without acting outlandish and making complete fools of themselves.


Honestly, how is it possible for a woman to not have an ounce of dignity at all


I’m surprised they didn’t have to take all their clothes off for this protest though

They’re supposed to be sausages but they just look like what they really are- pieces of shit.

Mathison said she does not believe these rules are in place to deliberately exclude women, but in practice they end up holding back change.

I don’t think there is a group of men sitting in a room conspiring to exclude women,” she said. “I think we are dealing with a screen industry that has had no significant shift in the statistics of female engagement in 40 years.

“We need to seriously address how we are going to shift those statistics, because what we’re doing at the moment isn’t working.”

WIFT is calling on AACTA to put in place a gender equity charter to address the organisation’s stagnant representation of women.

Mathison said she hoped the protest would convince the organisation that diversity “doesn’t have to be scary“.

You could just write better scripts and maybe you’ll have a better chance at winning. But I guess it’s more fun to force them to change the rules so that women have to win at some point instead of producing better quality work.

And the realists:

It’s funny though because all of this is after the feminists stopped a documentary called ‘The Red Pill’ from being shown in Melbourne cinemas, and I didn’t hear any protests from these feminists then.

The documentary was put together by a woman, but they didn’t like it because they felt like it was in favor of Men’s Rights Activism, and it triggered them deeply.

So I can see how serious they are about women having a fair shot in the Australian Film Industry.

[Editor’s Note: I want to point out that a movie with a talking dog that doesn’t move his lips is NOTHING to be ASHAMED of. In fact, Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey is one of the best live-action talking animal movies ever made in my opinion, and there was no weird CGI lips in that. I saw some movie on a plane a few years ago with a bunch of talking animals with CGI lips and it was absolutely disgusting. The only good movies with talking dogs where their lips move are The Shaggy Dog (original 1959, not kike Tim Allen remake) and the sequel, The Shaggy D.A., where they actually taught the Bratislavian sheepdog actors to talk. -AA]