Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
April 15, 2015
Anti-Halal protesters who’d gathered outside the Islamic Halal Food Expo at the Fairfield Showground in Sydney’s west last Sunday were set upon by 100% non-Islamic atheist anarchists while police gormlessly looked on.
The small gathering of kosher nationalists, one humorously dressed in a burka, stood in a nearby park waving placards and objecting to the fact that this culturally invasive practice is so large in this country they can now hold an expo for their inhumanely slaughtered, terrorist-financing meat products.
Yet, Islam’s useful secular anti-White idiots weren’t far away. Having traveled all the way from the toxically socialist inner-city suburbs, a micro contingent of so-called Anti-fascists attacked Party for Freedom leader Nick Folkes, and Australia First Party candidate for Penrith, Vic Waterson. This was essentially a grab for publicity in the hope of chalking one up for Antifa in the light of their recent failures at the Reclaim Australia rallies.

See, Nick is no small bloke, and a tradesman by trade, so the skinny vegan faggot who tackled him must either have been seeking homosexual gratification, or otherwise been on methamphetamine. Likewise, the other assailant was one Tase Brown, aka Mallory Lash, a Hobbit-sized junkie anarchist who allegedly organized assaults by non-Whites upon AFP members at a Sydney council election last year. Also, she is alleged to have been behind an attack by speed-crazed anarchists on the AFP headquarters in the Sydney suburb of Tempe, which resulted in the chairman’s son receiving injuries requiring treatment. Moreover, he has no political affiliation.
This rickety sociopath is just about everything objectionable to a nationalist’s sensibilities rolled into one: lesbian, feminist, anarchist — resistant to women’s sanitary products — and was proven at an Anti-mosque rally last year in Penrith in Sydney’s west to not shave her armpits when she waved them defiantly at nauseated patriots.
Well, Vic carried this squealing, squirming and attention-seeking parasite over to dozing police who, awakened by the activity, then hog-tied and carted her off, along with the skinny faggot who tried rubbing himself against Nick Folkes. She since sees her arrest and subsequent manhandling by the hated male of the species as some sort of victory for whatever, boasting on her Facebook page.

The Special Broadcasting Service (SBS), the nation’s taxpayer funded ‘multicultural network’ worded their report to make it sound like these were the actions of social justice heroes. They described this rabble as “anti-racism protesters” and not “dole-bludging grubs.” Of course, someone forget to remind them Islam is not a race.