Oz: Libtard Audience Applauds Raghead Terrorist Live on Anti-White Taxpayer-Funded National Television

Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
June 23, 2015

This is what an innocent victim of the xenophobic Australian government  looks like.

Left wing zogbots proved incontrovertibly for good and all live on Australian television that liberalism is a mental melanoma whose casualties pose a grave risk to its host nation.

During Monday night’s awful lib-porn panel-show Q&A, anti-White host Tony Jones allowed former terror suspect to Zaky Mallah to direct a question to Liberal MP Steve Ciobo, The Herald Sun reports.

Putting aside the fact this former detainee, who threatened to kill Australians in the name of his pedo god, was even allowed in the audience in the first place, the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) has been forced to apologize for permitting this wannabe human bomb to open its bearded mouth.

Q&A stands for Question and Answer. It is an audience-centered panel show in which the audience asks pertinent questions of eminent guests selected on the basis of their typically left-wing credentials. When a non-leftie is invited on, it’s usually because the audience is stacked with rainbow-heads. On Monday night’s program, the guest in question wasn’t a left winger, but a member of the current Liberal (with a big ‘L’) government, who are allegedly conservatives in the fashion of England’s Tories.

Currently, the Liberal government is proposing tinkering with the citizenship laws so that aspiring beheaders like Mallah holding dual-citizenship — who leave Australia to fight for ISIL and return all skilled up to kill Aussies — would be stripped of that citizenship by the relevant minister. It’s actually what we call a no-brainer, which means it’s a sensible idea — so sensible indeed that it was as inevitable as Negros spreading aids that the left wing and the opposition would find fault with the proposal.

The opposition argues that such a termination should occur AFTER the terrorist is back in the country, and faces a court. The government asserts that the trick is to prevent the terrorist from returning to the country altogether.

Smash cut back to Monday night’s Q&A and Tony Jones allows the first person to be charged under the anti-terrorist act in Australia to ask a question, which was, “As the first man in Australia to be charged with terrorism under the harsh Liberal Howard government in 2003, what would have happened in my case had been decided by the minister himself and not the courts?”

The then 19-year-old was denied a passport and threatened a terror attack on the government’s Sydney offices in typical reactionary Arab fashion. When he was arrested he had a rifle and several rounds of ammo under his couch. However, in 2005 after he spent a paltry two years in maximum security prison a jury found that he was not a terrorist, just an angry young Islamic man.

Ciobo replied unflinchingly, “From memory, I thought you were acquitted on a technicality rather than it being on the basis of substantial finding of fact. But I’m happy to look you straight in the eye and say that I’d be pleased to be part of the government that would say you were out of the country. I would sleep very soundly at night with that point of view.”

Struggling for an intelligent reply, the kebab sucking Koran crackpot shouted out, “rubbish.”

He then said, bafflingly, “As an Australian I would be glad to see YOU out of the country.”

This drew the first round of clapping from the morons seated around him, emboldening the camel turd to snivel, “The Liberals have just justified to many Australian Muslims in the community tonight to leave and go to Syria and join ISIL because of ministers like him.”

At this point Tony Jones realized he was on a loser and shut down the interview, barring a follow up question to Ciobo, who gabbled on about Mallah being misrepresentative of Muslims. This liberal (small ‘l’) comment then led to him receiving a round of applause. As long it’s left of center, it’s certain to get a rousing hand from a Q&A audience.

Zakay is angry at being stereotyped as a gun toting Jihadi terrorist sand coon.
Zaky is angry at being stereotyped as a gun toting Jihadi terrorist sand coon.

However, while the minister of communications Malcolm Turnbull is now probing the ABC show as to why it allowed this lethal Lebo to pose a danger to the audience with his presence, since he’s a self-confessed maker of threats and everything, the liberal media is taking his side.

Big surprise that the Sydney Morning Herald and The Guardian think that’s he not a bad guy really, and that maybe he has a point. You know, if you push these Middle Eastern fellows you’ll only have yourself to blame if they start severing your head off, forcing themselves on your women, and blowing your old grandmother into a gooey pink pile.