It was her Holocaust, goyim, and now it’s time for you to pay again
It is the Big Jewowski — that time when goyim are reminded of why their White privilege must end.
As rapeugees tear apart Europe with kebab ficki ficki, it is important to know that this must happen because sixteen-brajillion of God’s finest were turned into ironing board covers by White Supremacists wearing swastikas. To this end, the media is running hard on Holohoax stories for the goyim.
This is why those in Australia must learn about filthy kike bitch Lena Goldstein, who has lived to 97 despite all the bogus anguish she suffered at the hands of Hollywood Nazis. The Daily Telegraph has published in all its Jewyness this most disgusting speck of Christ-killing garbage’s own lies.
I was born in Poland in 1919. When World War II started, Warsaw was the only city in the whole of Europe that defended itself for a month. But there were no deliveries of fresh food for that month, so as soon as the Germans occupied Warsaw they started a soup kitchen.
Everyone was sitting there in rows waiting with their bowls, including little boys, they knew one word of German — Jude, which means Jew. They were running around yelling “Jude, Jude, Jude”, excluding us from getting food. The Germans were telling us “Jews don’t have to eat.” This was the first sign of the German persecution.
The Nazis then put all of the Jews in Warsaw, along with others from towns and villages surrounding Warsaw, into one small area of the city. In 1940 they put 450,000 people into this area, surrounded by a big wall. We thought it was good that we would have no direct contact with Germans, but we did not expect what was coming.
First of all our ration of food was so small. People bartered possessions for food until they were reduced to begging. Over time some became living skeletons and then corpses. Families had no money for funerals so they would leave them there and just cover them with newspapers. At first it was shocking but eventually people stopped taking notice.
Say Pepe, whatch’ya doin?
If you have read thus far, goyim, you should be apologising for your own existence and making plans to allow rapeugees into your country out of shame. You should be slutting up your daughters and preparing them for kebab-style ultra-rape.
People were packed so tightly into the ghetto that typhus, carried by body lice, spread quickly killing hundreds.
In 1942 the Germans began their Aktions (mass deportations). They promised jobs for workers in factories in the east. Many took up the offer, but a few escapees returned to reveal the truth. Packed into trains like cattle, the “workers” were transported to Treblinka, told to strip and then sent into showers — except the showers were not water, they were poison gas. First women and children and then the men. Thousands per day were killed. It seems unbelievable now and it was unbelievable then.
My parents had a job washing German uniforms in Warsaw. But I wasn’t allowed to work, so I was hiding beneath the bloodied uniforms when my mother was called out (on a Jewish Holiday) during another Aktion and sent to a death camp.
That image of this little girl hiding under German uniforms bloodied with the blood of innocent peace-loving Jews is enough to make anybody want to run out and hire Quentin Tarrantino’s anti-White masterpiece, Inglourious Basterds. Seriously, goyim — what you did was bad and you can thank the Jews for being forgiving enough just to want you to feel shame for your own existence every waking moment of your life. Please continue to read.
The Wannsee Conference in 1942 had decided on the final solution for the Jews leading to desperation. My boyfriend was killed in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of April 1943.
I then thought “If I am going to die tomorrow, I am not washing uniforms today.” I tried to provoke the Germans into killing me but instead two guards offered to help me escape. I refused because I didn’t want to leave my brother, but I was touched by their willingness to risk their own lives.
The old gentleman’s family, knowing what my father had done for him, slipped me a note offering me a hiding place. I showed my brother and he told me “we all have to try to survive in some way. Somebody has to be left alive to tell the world what is happening here because nobody would believe it.”
The two German guards were at the main gate and they just let me get out of the ghetto, taking only a handbag with photos of my family. I joined three others hiding in a caretaker’s locked bathroom in a mansion.
This is why Sweden, goyim, this is why Cologne. Don’t you know yet, goyim? Don’t you feel our pain, for your crimes? All that we ask is that your entire race disappears from the face of the earth, because genocide is terrible.
All this time, when I lost my parents, my brothers, my extended family, my boyfriend, everybody I ever knew, I didn’t cry because we were waiting for our turn.
But when I heard that I was free, I sat there and I cried, because in the whole world I had no one waiting for me and no one to go out to.
Today is the 71st anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Lena Goldstein is one of 30 Holocaust suriviors who share their story at the Sydney Jewish Museum,
You better get along to the Jewish Museum, goyim, and reflect on the way Australian Nazis murdered billions of this woman’s people, including her, and all the Aboriginals that Jews identity with for being non-White.
Remember, goyim, the Jew may inherit Heaven, but the goyim will foot the bill.
Mama Merkel got right with her Holocaust and now there is kebab ficki ficki all over Jewmany