Daily Stormer
February 3, 2015

Oh dear! There is a record number of cases of human trafficking involving sex slavery, forced marriages and child brides in the land down under!
What could possibly have caused a rise in this practice???
I guess Australians have gone bad!
The number of active investigations into human trafficking has doubled in the past two years to 60. Despite the increase, police warn trafficking crimes remain grossly under-reported.
The revelation comes as the Victorian police force increases its focus on human trafficking by urging its officers across that state to be on the alert for indications of sex trafficking, forced marriages and labour trafficking in cafes, on farms and in the construction industry.
Fairfax Media can also reveal that police are examining whether some karaoke bars across Melbourne are hosting trafficked women or operating as illegal brothels, which would add to estimates of at least 300 illegal brothels already operating across the city.
Victoria Police and AFP have also revealed they are uncovering more cases of trafficking that are related to forced marriages. Police have more than 20 active investigations into alleged forced marriages, with 18 cases involving women aged under 18.
Superintendent Matt Warren said these “child bride” cases were “a signficicant concern” for the AFP and mostly involved ethnic communities where arranged marriage is “very entrenched”.
“We are talking about females being forced into marriage. They are vulnerable, they are young,” Mr Warren said.
Victoria Police detective superintendent Rod Jouning said forced marriages involved human trafficking and sexual assault and were grossly under-reported due to the fear felt by victims.
“There has probably been a real concentration on the fact that human trafficking equates to sex trafficking. It is far bigger than that. Far bigger. The other areas that are not as obvious involve labour trafficking and trafficking for forced marriages.
“With the growing number of communities we have with pre-arranged marriages, that becomes an issue for us,” Mr Jouning said.
“It’s really under-reported. It’s only when we have the women who have the courage to stand up and say no, I don’t want that. Or someone else sees it happening and gets concerned.”
Mr Jouning said labour trafficking in Victoria was happening in the agriculture and construction industries as well as in cafes.
He said trafficked workers “get charged an enormous rate for a little room and enormous rates for food. So they end up working for just about nothing. There have been other occurrences where workers have been extorted for sexual favours with the threat that ‘if you don’t do that, we’ll take away your visas’.”
The AFP believes the increase in cases of human trafficking is due to the police’s focus on attacking trafficking syndicates and changes in laws that allow for the prosecution of those who arrange forced marriages.
But state and federal police warn that because of the fear and culture of silence confronting trafficking victims, it is likely many cases are never reported.
Successful prosecutions for human trafficking remain difficult to achieve because victims are often reluctant witnesses.
At the risk of sounding like a complete and total racist, I am beginning to suspect these cases might have something to do with Moslems.
But I am sure that this thousands upon thousands of year old practice can be easily stamped out by the enlightened and liberal government of Australia. After all, there really is no reason that these people should logically be doing something that they have done for thousands of years after they have moved to a different geographical location.
All facts we know about behavior show without question that the only determiner of behavior is geographical location, so the obvious thing which should happen is that when you move primitive sand people from their desert into a developed Western country, they immediately stop behaving like utter savages.
What we must remember is that even though Whites don’t engage in sex trafficking and child marriages, it is technically physically possible that they could do that, which means that we are all the same.