OZ: South African Savage Accused of Murdering White Photographer

Cairns Post
May 12, 2014

Jo La Spina’s body was found in a Bingil Bay unit. She had been out the night before with the Black suspect.

THE man accused of murdering Jo La Spina ducked his head and tried to shield his face as he was led through Cairns Airport by detectives yesterday.

Casually dressed in a blue jumper and black pants, Musa Brandon Ngwira said nothing as he was led through the arrivals hall where more detectives and uniformed police met the group and ushered him into a waiting car.

The 31-year-old Mission Beach man, who worked in the tourism industry, was then whisked away to front Cairns Magistrates Court where he was formally charged with murder.

He sat with his hands in his pockets and appeared emotionless throughout the brief court appearance where Magistrate Suzette Coates remanded him in custody and adjourned the matter until June.

Solicitor Paul Richardson asked the court for a two-month adjournment.

“There is a significant amount of forensic testing to be conducted,” he said.

“This matter is going to need to be adjourned to a callover.”

Mr Ngwira did not enter a plea and was not able to apply for bail because due to the serious nature of the charge, this could only be done in the Cairns Supreme Court.

Musa Brandon Ngwira, the man accused of murdering Jo La Spina, arrives in Cairns under police escort. He was extradited to Cairns from Sydney, where police arrested him on Sunday afternoon.

Speaking outside court, Mr Richardson said there would be lengthy delays due to the forensic testing that was ongoing.

Mr Ngwira will not be required in court for his next appearance on June 18.

The body of 26-year-old La Spina was found in a Bingil Bay Rd apartment on Easter Saturday.

Family and friends will farewell the popular photographer at a funeral in Innisfail this morning.

She worked for Raging Thunder as a photographer and executive director Fred Ariel said staff would join family and friends at her funeral this morning.

“Raging Thunder Adventures is shutting shop today out of respect for our dear colleague Jo La Spina so staff can attend her funeral,” Mr Ariel said.

The unit where her body was found.

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