Oz: Students Apologise for Posting Holohoax Jokes

Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
September 3, 2015

Aussie Nazi Hunter Vic Alhadeff can't tolerate Holohoax jokes even though he is one
Aussie Nazi Hunter Vic Alhadeff can’t tolerate Holohoax jokes even though he is one

Australian students who posted jokes about the Holohoax on Facebook have been forced to apologise for hurting Jew feels.

The Australian Jewish News reports on how these jocular juveniles dared be irreverent about the number one historical hoax ever. Luckily, an enraged kike whose entire family of six million relatives were killed in the Holocaust saw the posts and got right onto the Jewish Board of Deputies, who sent out Nazi Hunters to track them down.

JBOD director and practising Christ Killer Vic Alhadeff hid his secret delight to describe how “sickening” was their posts which showed a “disturbing” lack of understanding of the Holohoax principles.

One student posted, “How many Jews can you fit in a car? 2 in the front 3 in the back and 1000 in the ashtray”, while another posted a meme of Anne Frank with the words “What’s burning? Oh, It’s my family”.

But the Jews, who are rightfully the only race allowed to make jokes about every other race who they encourage to interbreed, was rightfully outraged about this lack of respect for God’s chosen people. Yet, when the tears and apologies started flowing, he was delighted, especially when one turned out to be an Abo.

One of the students apologised for her “distasteful, insensitive and hurtful comments” referring to “devastating events inflicted on the Jewish people” in a letter to Alhadeff.


“I deeply regret posting such filth, as my comments were very uncalled for, non-deserved and being an Aboriginal citizen myself, I know how much racism hurts and how damaging it is to see such horrid events being used for humorous purposes which attacks and offends defenceless individuals that have passed.”The principal from one of the schools wrote to Alhadeff to express his personal “abhorrence at the highly offensive images” and that the messages showed an “an appalling lack of understanding of the terrible events of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism”.

Far from it being a bad thing that kids make light of the biggest non-mass murder of lying parasitic filth in history, it is a source of much relish for Jewish commissars. The ritural follows an almost Christian cycle of atonement, with the sin of Holohoax denial being met with anger and shaming, followed by the goy’s forced repentance. And the Jew sits like the lord patiently sipping every drop of nourishing White guilt.

It is to a Jew, what blood is to a vampire.