Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
May 2, 2014

Anti-Whites say that the state of Tasmania must use its tourism industry to permanently encourage more non-Whites to immigrate there.
The Multicultural Council of Tasmania, the University of Tasmania, and the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia are telling Tasmanian state government to “get moving”, when it comes to White genocide.
“What’s needed now is some meat on the bones of that commitment,” said Anna Reynolds, chief executive of the Multicultural Council of Tasmania, calling on the state government to allow (non-White) migrants to enter the more freely.
“Just 12 per cent of our residents were born overseas, compared to the national average of over 24 per cent,” she lamented, saying Tasmania is lacking in “diversity”.
Before the election campaign, Premier Will Hodgman (Liberal party) said he would increase the amount of migrants and also encourage more foreign students (mostly Asians) to stay in the state. He says his government is still dedicated to bringing in more non-White immigrants.
“That’s one of the reasons why I participated in the recent national trade delegation to Asia. I was able to hand-deliver that message to our strongest trading partners.” he said.
Tasmania is a tiny island compared to other places around the world. But the reason why it must become “diverse” is because it is White.
All majority White places are considered by anti-Whites to be “not diverse” and “too White”.
Meanwhile in Africa or Asia, there are many countries which are more homogenous (similar, racially) than many White countries.
The reason why Africa is for the Africans, Asia is for the Asians, but White countries are for everybody is because anti-Whites don’t want there to be any White people.
When all and only White countries are called on to have open borders, massive non-White immigration, forced “diversity” (a.k.a. assimilation) with the intention of getting rid of White people (or reducing us to a minority)…there is one word that very accurately describes that: Genocide.
White Genocide is carried out in the name of “diversity”, but “diversity” is just a codeword for White genocide.