Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
May 9, 2015

Police in Melbourne have arrested a 17-year-old boy from Greenvale in response to an alleged attempted “mother’s day massacre”, seizing three pipe bombs from the “teenager’s” bedroom, The Herald Sun reports.
The kid, whose race and identity are protected by laws preventing the naming of minors who commit crimes, has obviously not been named, ‘cos if he had we’d have one joyously Arabic sounding surname with which to gloat, “we told you so.” Also not made immediately apparent is how the police came to learn about the impending act of terror, what the target was supposed to be, or whether or not it was all to be in the name of “Allah.”
But we don’t have to be super sleuths to figure that out. Very soon when you look up the word ‘terror’ in the dictionary it is going to say “See ‘Islam’.”
What really fries our infidel bacon is the fact that images of the house that forensic police are combing through don’t exactly scream third world squalor. This little would-be martyr for a long-dead pedophile-butcher has been living large in what Aussies refer to as a “typical wog mansion,” meaning it’s a boastfully sized three-hundred bedroom custom house the size of a tenth-century French castle with space enough to park an ocean liner. He did not come from the type of poverty that would otherwise make a young man angry, and it is understood that his father is a doctor.

While really saying nothing at all, the Australian Federal Police are crowing about having already saved lives. AFP deputy commissioner Mike Phelan told a thrumming press conference, “Some Victorians are going to be alive because of it (the intervention of the AFP). Had we not intervened, there was a real threat of action being taken.”
Words about working with “radicalised children” then slipped out but were not placed in context by media, but merely paraphrased in The Daily Mail.
Having calmed the whole of Australia with his mollifying assurances, Phelan then dusted his nails and told the various crews, “We want to assure the community that we have contained the situation.”
He then had the eighteen-carat affront to actually say, “It’s got nothing to do with faith.”
Like hell it’s got nothing to do with faith! This comes straight from the little prayer-mat licker’s Facebook page and was reprinted by Australian journalist Andrew Bolt from a now inactive link:
If you wear a hijab, but don’t pray 5 times a day, you’re not a Muslim.
If you go to Jum’ah every Friday, but don’t pray 5 times a day, you’re not a Muslim.
If you’re born in a Muslim family, but you and your family don’t pray, you and your family are not Muslim
If you have a Muslim name but don’t pray, you are not a Muslim.
If you are Shi’a, you are not a Muslim.
If you call the police on a Muslim because he is radical, you are not a Muslim.
If you think the Sharaah law is extreme, you are not a Muslim.
If you think there is nothing wrong with democracy, you are not a Muslim.
If you joke about the religion, you are not a Muslim.
THE ‘Muslims’ are quick to condemn the actions of the Islamic State, but you will never see them condemning the US atrocities against Muslims, you will never see them condemning the crimes against Muslims in Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Iraq etc etc …
Likewise, when you see an attack done in defend of the honour of our Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him), you will see them rush to attack the attackers but they always forget to condemn the abusers of the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wa sallam).
When people wrote poems about him, do you think he forgave them?
He forgave everyone that harmed him except the people that attacked his honour. So who are you to forgive on his behalf? “
Such is the trend of the coconut hypocrite ‘Muslims’.
So you see, there is nothing to fear from Islam. And if you weren’t all such a pack of panicky prejudiced xenophobes you’d be out there right now licking the toes of the first Muslim you see. You would be offering to sit next to one on a train. You’d be genuflecting at the gateway to the mosques that you’re not worthy as an infidel to enter.

And you’d be down at your local synagogue thanking the fetid Jew rats for putting us in this predicament in the first place – in the name of some twisted Semitic concept of tolerance and understanding that helps them, screws us, and leaves a nice pile of pieces for them to pick over.