Oz: Vegan Occupation Government Attacks Farmers in the Name of SOY!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2018

There has been a spate of vegan attacks on farmers in Australia.

This is some crazy shit. But then, most vegans are crazy and this is par for the course when it comes to their behavior.

They’ve even been trying to commit acts of economic sabotage to shut down food shipments.

Things have escalated recently when farmers suddenly started to get their private property invaded by these parasites filming their cows and demanding why they commit “murder” among other inanities.

Blood was almost shed when a farmer fired off his shotgun, although it’s unclear if he was aiming for a vegan or sending out a warning shot.

WA Today:

A WA vegan at the centre of an angry showdown with a South West dairy farmer claims he has received hundreds of death threats after vision of the incident was made public.

Animal activist James Warden told Nine News Perth the threats were a risk he was willing to take to protect animals.

“I’m definitely getting death threats, I’ve had 650 message requests of farmers and truck drivers messaging me and saying they are going to find me and murder me,” he said.

“I’m not ok with the animals being hated…if there’s a subsequent effect of me being neglected and me being threatened, that’s an acceptable risk for myself.”

Mr Warden filmed an altercation with a dairy farmer, who is seen on video saying, “you get the fuck out of my place, ok?” to the activist, who is sitting in his car.

“Don’t come around my place.”

Animal welfare activists have recently come under criticism for releasing a map showing the locations of hundreds of farms in WA to target. 

Vegans are acting like Antifa terrorists and targeting Nazi farmers. I’m certain that there is an overlap between these two groups as well.

These people are willing to kill to help the oppressed (livestock) against their oppressors (CIS Nazi farmers).

I wonder who the government will side with? 

If they’re pro-crazy, then they don’t even have to do anything. Just let the Vegans run amok, wait until a farmer shoots one of them and then arrest the farmer to send a message to the others.

Because that is what Western governments do now.

To get around civil rights abuses, they just outsource the work to a private group and then selectively enforce laws against detractors of their radical agenda. We are one Huffington Post article away from the media declaring meat to be murder and it becoming considered a racist, Nazi and White Supremacist thing to eat.

And the nightmare dystopia future being planned for us become clearer every day.

It will look a lot like Snowpiercer: Autistic White people forced to live with niggers and eat insects… in a fast-moving magnet train run on solar power.