Pack of Sheboons Attack White Woman for No Reason

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 28, 2017

There was clearly no motive here.

It is a total mystery why a pack of sheboons would attack a White woman.

Fox News:

Christy Mcpeek said she was walking at around 11:30 p.m. Saturday on 2nd Street in the Eckington neighborhood of Northeast D.C. near her home.

“I saw there was a group of young girls,” Mcpeek said. “I really didn’t think that much of it.”

She said out of nowhere, one of the girls ran up behind her and shoved her. Mcpeek said after she got up, the girls taunted her and asked her what time it was.

She said the girls began kicking and punching her while she was on the ground. Mcpeek said there were five to seven African American girls who looked to be 15 to 17 years old. After a few minutes of beating her, she said they took her cell phone and ran off.