Pack of Stray Blacks Violently Attack Multiple People for Being White

May 31, 2014

Police said five to eight suspects jumped, punched and kicked a person who was helping his sister back out of a parking space at 8 W. Ninth St.

Two men were injured in a shooting and multiple people reported being attacked near Taste of Cincinnati festivities over the weekend.

Ahamed Ould Sidi, 38, was transported to UC Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries after a shooting Sunday night near t 8th Eighth and Vine streets, three blocks from Taste.

Davon Sullivan, 22, was struck by a fragment in his chest and didn’t need medical attention.

Patrick Ewing, 22, was arrested less than two hours after the incident for allegedly shooting Sidi. Police say a gun was recovered during the arrest.

Lt. Col. James Whalen said the shooting wasn’t connected to the event.

Jon Deters, 23, and his girlfriend Allison Crable, 23, were among those reported to be assaulted.

Other White people were punched in the face, while two men were shot.

Deters and Crable were near 8 W. Ninth St. Downtown when they were approached by five or six people at 12:01 a.m. Sunday, according to an incident report.

Deters told police that he was punched and knocked to the ground. Crable said she attempted to assist her boyfriend, but was punched in the face. Both were transported to University of Cincinnati Medical Center with minor injuries.

Deters is the son of Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters.

Two other men also reported that they were assaulted and robbed near the 1100 block of Walnut Street in Over-the-Rhine on Sunday night.

Scottie Hunter, 44, and Randy Ulses, 48, told police they were approached by a group of people around 10:13 p.m. Sunday.

Im sure its just a few troublemakers, its not like this is a common occurrence is it.

Hunter said he was assaulted and had his wallet, along with money, credit cards and personal papers taken.

Ulses said he was punched in the face and then the group joined in by kicking him in the face.

Both suffered bruises and abrasions.

Police filed in the incident that both Hunter and Ulses were targeted for being white.