Paki Baroness Tells Kin to Stop Doing Incest

Daily Stormer
July 11, 2015

Paki Baroness Shreela Flather is kindly asking her kinfolk to stop doing sex with close relatives.
Paki Baroness Shreela Flather is kindly asking her kinfolk to stop doing sex with close relatives.

Is not the fact that you would even have to make public statements telling a certain group to stop creating deformed children by sleeping with their relatives proof that this certain group is completely and ridiculously primitive?

The Telegraph:

Couples who are getting married should be forced to have a DNA test first to ensure they are not cousins amid growing concern about incest within Pakistani communities, Britain’s first Asian peer has claimed.

Baroness Flather, a former Tory who now sits as a cross-bencher, said in the House of Lords that it is “absolutely appalling” that first cousin marriages in Pakistani communities are leading to “so much disability among children”.

She said: “There are a lot of first-cousin marriages in certain communities, particularly among Pakistanis who come from the Pakistani Kashmir area. We know so much about DNA now, but there is so much disability among the children, which is absolutely appalling.

“You go to any such family and there will be four or five children, at least one or two of whom will have some disability. That is absolutely unacceptable, and if we cannot do anything about it, is it fair to the children?”

She seems to be a self-hater, this Paki. Who is she to deny the vibrancy of the unique cultural heritage of Pakistan?