Paki Mob Carries Out Vicious, Unprovoked Attack on Lone White Man

Daily Mail
July 29, 2015

The White man had no idea he was suddenly going to be set upon by the pack of rabid pakis.

Sickening footage has been released showing a 29-year-old man being brutally beaten by a gang of Asian men on Tower Bridge in what police have described as a ‘cowardly attack’.

The lone victim was on his way back from a friend’s wedding when he was approached by a group of ten to 12 men walking from the opposite direction on the bridge in central London.

One member of the group can then be seen punching the victim in the back of the head as the unprovoked assault begins.

As he falls to the ground, the other men join in and repeatedly kick him in the head.

Every one of the savages joined in with giving him a kicking.

City of London Police are appealing for information and say the sustained attack, which lasted around a minute and was caught on CCTV, left the victim with cuts and bruises.

It happened on Sunday, May 31 at around 10pm.

The suspects are described by police as being in their mid or late teens to early 20s and from an Asian background. They spoke with East London accents and were dressed in hooded tops, jackets and tracksuit bottoms. Two of the men were also riding on Transport for London hired bikes.

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