Paki Moslem Pervert Who Molested Four Girls Uses Fasting for Ramadan as an Excuse for Not Knowing What He was Doing

Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
March 19, 2015

A C2C train, where one of the victims was assaulted by the Paki.
A C2C train, where one of the victims was assaulted by the Paki.

Shamsul Islam, a 33-year-old Moslem pervert who recently pleaded guilty to four counts of sexual assault, said that he didn’t know what he was doing because he was fasting for the Moslem holiday of Ramadan.

The youngest of the four victims was 15-years-old, and more than likely all four were White English girls.

After pleading guilty, he was sentenced to three years in prison. When he is released, he will be deported to Pakistan.

Daily Mail:

Judge Sheelagh Canavan branded him ‘a danger to society’.

Sentencing him to three years’ imprisonment, Judge Canavan described him as a ‘serial, sexual pervert’ and called for him to be removed from the country as soon as possible.

She said: ‘Your devotion to your religion is only convenient to you when it gives you an excuse for your sexual misconduct.

‘You are not a national of this country, and the sooner you are removed from the country the better.

Why wait to deport all Pakis and Moslems? The longer they reside in the UK, the longer the English have to put up with sexual assaults and rapes of White English girls.