Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 16, 2015

More Moslem antics in America as two terror suspects distract and try to murder two Deputy US Marshals while inside a courthouse, the DOJ claims.
They even used the old “look over there” trick. These people really are cartoons.
The men, brothers Raees and Sheheryar Qazi, were already facing terrorism charges when the DOJ says they “simultaneously motioned with their heads to cause the Deputy U.S. Marshals to look at the ceiling.”
“The Qazi brothers then simultaneously punched the Deputies in the face and struggled with them,” says the DOJ in a statement about the April 2014 incident. “Further, while struggling with the Deputy U.S. Marshals, the Qazi brothers attempted to use potentially lethal force on them while exclaiming ‘Allahu Akbar,’ an Arabic exhortation meaning ‘God is Great.'”
For their alleged troubles, the brothers Qazi were only rewarded with additional charges announced today, including “attempting to murder a federal employee, a deputy United States Marshal.”
The Qazis are also accused of attempting to provide material support to al Qaeda and al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula — the same group that has been linked to last week’s massacre at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.
The goofy Paki brothers were in custody over 2012 charges that they were planning to set off bombs in NYC.
What is the purpose of these people, America? Why on earth should we want to deal with this backward savages? What benefit do they offer our society?
Oh, wait I know – kebab.
And as the great Davy Crockett said “give me kebab or just go ahead and Charlie me.”