Daily Stormer
March 22, 2014
West Asia has the world’s oldest traditions of man-boy love. And their web search histories demonstrate this.
As the gay site Pink News reports:
Despite being strongly intolerant of gay and lesbian people, Pakistan leads in the world for the most Google searches for gay porn, according to a recent analysis of search terms.
The analysis, posted by Mother Jones, found that Pakistan was the world leader in searches for the terms “teen anal sex”, “man fucking man”, and “shemale sex”, and came in second only to Kenya for searches for “gay sex pics”.
The analysis went on to find that searches for the term “shemale sex”, were of a majority in the city of Peshwar, which is a conservative Islamic stronghold.
In a recent Pew Research Centre survey of 39 countries, which asked the question of whether society should “accept homosexuality”, in which the UK, the US and Western Europe answered mainly “yes”, only 2% of those in Pakistan said they thought the same.
Gay sex is currently illegal in Pakistan, and is punishable by lengthy jail terms. For “gross indecency between persons of the same sex”, someone in Pakistan could be sentenced to between 2 and 10 years in prison, and for “buggery”, life imprisonment can be applied.