Pakistan Vows Revenge Against Trump for Taking Away Free Money

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 4, 2018

How can these people have any self-respect when their entire country is funded by free money from white people?

It is shocking, but all brown people necessarily feel entitled to this free money and they will vow revenge on you if you refuse to give it to them.


Islamabad has warned Donald Trump against endangering US-Pakistani cooperation in Afghanistan, promising a “cold-blooded” response to Washington’s aid cut. The US carried out some 60,000 attacks from Pakistani soil, it said.

In a seething series of tweets, Pakistan’s foreign minister ripped into Trump’s accusation that Islamabad has double-crossed the US in Afghanistan, noting that Pakistan “went through a bloodbath” after “blindly” trusting Washington.

“You ask what we’ve done? From our bases you carried out 57,800 attacks on Afghanistan… thousands of our civilians and soldiers became victims of the war initiated by you,” Pakistan’s foreign minister Khawaja Asif wrote.

Citing Pakistan’s “unending saga of sacrifices” in the fight against terrorism, Asif wrote that “history teaches us not to blindly trust the US… [we] will not compromise our dignity anymore.”

Defense Minister Khurram Dastgir Khan echoed Asif’s defiant tone during an interview on Thursday, vowing a “cold-blooded response” to Washington’s stated intention to withhold $255 million in aid to Pakistan, as cited by RIA Novosti.

Speaking earlier with BBC Urdu, Khan said Washington ought to “prefer” cooperation over confrontation, noting that half of Pakistan’s airspace and land routes were still open to the US – and without them, its ability to operate in Afghanistan would be greatly diminished.

Describing Pakistan as an independent nuclear power, the defense minister said it was not possible for Washington to dictate terms to Islamabad by withholding aid, and warned the US against any attempt to bring the war in Afghanistan to Pakistan’s soil.

Of course, I am much more concerned about the billions upon billions of free money that goes to the Jews than I am with a couple hundred million going to Pakistan.

Furthermore, we need to invade Saudi Arabia an install a colonial government to take their oil. They have already built cities there, with our money – our people can live in those, and they can be driven back into their caves.

Scientists probably need to be brought in to determine if that Eye of Sauron thing has satanic power or not. If so, it should be destroyed.

This whole concept of begging the government to create programs to get our kids of heroin while we are giving any country any money at all is insane to me.

Yes, I understand that this money is given to these countries so that we can exercise control over them.

But that control could just as easily be exercised through colonialism, and then the people of America would be benefiting from it.

Reestablishing a global colonial empire of white rule is the only logical solution to world problems. None of these brown people are fit to rule themselves in the modern period, and this bribery system is expensive and shady.