Pakistani Husband Hacks Own Bride’s Legs Off with an Axe

Daily Stormer
April 29, 2014

Chivalry in Pakistan.

Although these sorts of crimes do not at first glance appear to be anything White people should be specifically concerned with, they do serve as examples of just what sort of people it is that we are letting into our homelands. They also show what the culture is really like in their own countries, that ‘vibrant’ culture that we are told will be so ‘enriching’ for us.

From the Daily Mail:

A vicious Pakistani husband hacked off his own wife’s legs with an axe less than two months after they married, according to local media reports.

Muhammed Siddique was arguing with his second wife Memoona Bibi over ‘domestic issues’ when he launched the brutal attack last night in the town of Shahpur in Punjab, it was reported.

Bibi is thought to have started abusing and torturing his wife only a few days after they married in early March.

In last night’s alleged attack Siddique first beat his wife with a stick before taking up his axe for the horrific amputation, according to the International Business Times.

Neighbours of the couple are said to have restrained Bibi and hand him over to the police. Mrs Bibi was rushed to hospital.

According to local media reports, the amputation took place in Shahpur, Pakistan.