Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 8, 2015

Week three of the paleo challenge finished today.
If you have been following the diet correctly, you should be over any initial tiredness and feeling fantastic. Unless you are dropping weight at a rapid rate – there is absolutely no way to not feel tired while that is happening to your body if it is a result of diet and not serious exercise.
One week left. Then we shall truly know the truth of the matter. All who wish to do so will write a summation in the comments section, and these will be published in their own article.
And then the issue will finally be settled.

I don’t know if i ever told you guys this but when I lived in the jungle with primitives I killed a pig with a small knife. It was a crucial personal experience. It isn’t like killing a chicken or a fish. A pig screams like a human being when you slit its throat. The pig I killed was a happy pig. It had rolled around in the grass outside of my bamboo hut. It was very happy on the day of the slaughter, seeming so confused when I, who had fed it, killed it.
This is the nature of existence. Things die so that other things can live. I often wonder how much of the faggotry we currently see in our society is due to the present level of separation from death. The death of animals means something. I man should know what it means to take a life.
I will never forget that pig screaming like a human being as I slit its throat with a small knife. It looked me in the eye.
I didn’t want to eat it then but I did eat it.
And it was the most delicious pig I ever tasted.