Palestinians Zerg Rushing Israel in Massive “Right to Return” Protest, 15 Killed by Kikes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 30, 2018


Thangs gettin hot out der.

Zerglings rekt, Israel counters.


Around 30,000 Palestinians rallied throughout the Gaza Strip on Friday during the “March of Return,” a series of mass protests along the Israel-Gaza border. At least 15 Palestinians have been killed and dozens wounded during clashes with Israeli soldiers over several hours, after a number of protesters threw stones and firebombs toward soldiers stationed along the fence.

In a separate incident, the Israeli military exchanged fire with two armed Palestinians who approached the border fence and opened fire toward Israeli soldiers. The IDF targeted three Hamas positions with tank fire and Israel Air Force fighter jets in response.

This is probably the start of a war, it looks like.

Better stock up on vespene gas.

Original article follows.

The thing to understand when you are looking at the way Jews treat Palestinians is that they don’t look at any of us as any better than the Palestinians and they will treat us all like this as soon as they are given the chance.


Thousands of Palestinians are gathering along the border of the Gaza Strip and Israel for a massive, six week-long, protest calling for the right of return for Palestinian refugees to what is now the Jewish state.

The ‘Great Return’ got underway on Friday as Palestinians gathered to hold a mass rally to commemorate Land Day, which marks the killing of six unarmed civilians by Israeli forces in 1976.

Hamas said as many as 100,000 Palestinians will take part in Friday’s massive demonstration. The protest coincides with the week-long Jewish holiday of Passover, which could lead to an increase in tensions in an already-volatile region.

Tent cities have been set up by Palestinian activists, backed by factions of Fatah and Hamas, at five locations along the border. They feature medical facilities, media zones, portable toilets, running water and electricity. Thousands of people had already started to gather on Friday morning.

The other interesting takeaway is that Jews are allowed to just steal people’s land and then shoot them when they complain, and nobody does nothing.

Gepostet von ‎الأسير المحرر مؤمن النجار‎ am Freitag, 30. März 2018

The Burmese aren’t even allowed to eject the most disgusting terrorists ever from their land without the whole world coming down on them. But the Jews can get away with anything.