Daily Stormer
June 4, 2014
Here you may witness the chief of the Planet of the Apes Occupational Government of America, who claims to love those whom he abuses with his iron claws, smiling at the father of a probable deserter as the strange man proudly announces that the foreign god Allah is the most gracious and merciful.
“In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate.”
That’s the simple phrase that Robert Bergdahl, father of freed Army Sgt. Bow Bergdahl, said in Arabic at press conference with President Barack Obama on Sunday. The father proceeded to speak in Pashtu, also known as Afghani, because he said his son might have difficulty understanding English after five years in captivity.
The phrase “bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim” is a common Arabic phrase, considered by some to be a major pillar of Islam and featured prominently in the Koran.
So why did Robert Bergdahl use the phrase? Exactly what message was he trying to send?
That’s the debate that’s currently raging on the Internet, with some alleging that the father was “claiming” the White House for Islam and others downplaying it as a very common, innocent phrase. Meanwhile, many people are simply struggling to understand why he chose that specific phrase and if there is more significance to it than meets the eye.
Independent Journal Review’s Kyle Becker speculates, “There may be an unknown explanation for why Robert Bergdahl might say this at the press conference. It may have been another ‘condition’ of his son’s release; yet, we can’t know that because Obama made the deal unilaterally and illegally, since he did not consult Congress.”
Clare Lopez, a former CIA operations officer and senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy, claimed in a controversial post that Robert Bergdahl “sanctified the WH and claimed it for Islam” by saying the phrase at the press conference.
Think Progress’ Ben Armbruster in a June 3 post, mocked those who are reading into the popular Islamic wording.
“We should note that, if Lopez’s analysis were right, the White House was likely already ‘claimed’ for Islam long ago — in December 1805, at an Iftar dinner hosted by President Thomas Jefferson,” he writes.