Papa John’s Receives Massive Stock Confidence Boost After Alt-Right Endorsement

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 7, 2017

Proving once again that an Alt-Right endorsement is worth its weight in gold, Papa John’s stock has shot up following an endorsement by the Daily Stormer.

Stock News Times:

Papa John’s International, Inc. (NASDAQ:PZZA)‘s stock had its “hold” rating reiterated by equities researchers at Jefferies Group LLC in a research report issued to clients and investors on Friday. They presently have a $65.00 price objective on the stock. Jefferies Group LLC’s price objective suggests a potential upside of 5.74% from the stock’s current price. Jefferies Group also issued estimates for Papa John’s International’s Q4 2017 earnings at $0.73 EPS, FY2017 earnings at $2.75 EPS, Q1 2018 earnings at $0.79 EPS, Q2 2018 earnings at $0.68 EPS, Q3 2018 earnings at $0.66 EPS, Q4 2018 earnings at $0.78 EPS and FY2018 earnings at $2.90 EPS.

A number of other analysts have also weighed in on the company. BTIG Research restated a “buy” rating and issued a $90.00 target price (down from $100.00) on shares of Papa John’s International in a research note on Tuesday, October 24th. Citigroup Inc. began coverage on Papa John’s International in a research report on Monday, September 18th. They set a “buy” rating and a $90.00 target price for the company.

This comes at the same time that niggers are calling for a boycott against the fast food pizza chain after the CEO denounced at the NFL’s attacks on the American flag as bad for business.

What this clearly demonstrates is that support from the Alt-Right not only counteracts but actually overpowers a de-endorsement by black people. Black people cannot afford to buy fast food unless they are drug dealers because none of them have jobs and can only buy things with an EBT card.

As such, being un-endorsed by the blacks means nothing unless you are Walmart.

Conversely, the Alt-Right is populated by people who work and have the ability to actually buy products. The Alt-Right is also widely supported by people who are rich.

The Alt-Right mean winning and kicking ass and buying shitty fast food pizza covered in ham and dropping it off at mosques.

We kick ass and niggers suck and are stupid and poor and the whole world – especially the stock market – is aware of this fact.

Papa John’s – AKA “Pepe John’s” – is giving us the signal not to “buy” these pizzas because they know we’re paleo chads and don’t eat shit food.

Fox News:

Pizza maker Papa John’s distanced itself from white nationalists, after a supremacist website declared the company as the official pizza of the alt-right following the CEO’s remarks that NFL anthem protests hurt the sales.

“We condemn racism in all forms and any and all hate groups that support it. We do not want these individuals or groups to buy our pizza,” Peter Collins, Papa John’s senior director of public relations, told the Louisville Courier Journal on Monday.

The move was prompted after a neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer announced the company as the official go-to pizza for white supremacists.

When they say “don’t buy” they mean “deliver to the mosque.”

Message heard loud and clear, guys.

Loud. And. Clear.