Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
May 5, 2015

Female “Nationalist” politician and current FN leader Marine Le Pen has been wanting her father Jean-Marie out of the party, which he founded in 1972, after he uttered some totally evil remarks about the Jews’ Holocaust hoax.
Well that desire has unfortunately come to fruition. Papa Le Pen was suspended from Front National on Monday. A select group of party members will eventually meet to decide whether or not to strip him of his title of honorary president.
In response to the suspension, Jean-Marie basically disowned his party-wrecking daughter.
On Monday night, the 86-year old, who founded the FN in 1972 and led it until 2011, reacted furiously to his suspension by calling on his daughter to change her name because she was not fit to be a Le Pen.
“It is a felony and I am ashamed that the president of the FN bears my name,” he said. “In fact I would like her to change it as soon as possible.
“I do not recognise any ties with someone who betrays me in such a scandalous fashion.”
He has been accused of “taking the party hostage” through his “damaging” remarks belittling the Nazi gas chambers, praising the leader of Vichy France and his call to “save the white world”.
It’s actually Marine who has taken the party hostage through her damaging moderate approach. Papa Le Pen’s approach is the right one.
Let this whole fiasco be a lesson that women in politics, even Nationalist-oriented women, is not the brightest idea.