Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2014

The presumably Jew attorney for the tear-stricken Blacks, Robert Newman, is claiming that the brats were expelled from Colerain High School because they made a rap music video. They were targeted because the school administration harbors a secret hatred of Black people due to the color of their skin and thus has an evil scheme to see them fail at life.
School officials and police officers interrogated black students about their recent social media postings and affiliations with other black youths and showed them photos collected by school staff and police from social media websites, the lawsuit says. The photos showed the students making various hand signs or participating in rap music videos, it says.
“Based on these images, school administrators accused more than a dozen African-American students of making ‘street signs’ and belonging to a ‘gang,'” the lawsuit states.
Newman said white students involved in similar conduct weren’t disciplined.
“This case is about racial stereotyping,” he said.
The district’s attorney, John Concannon, said 14 students were suspended and recommended for expulsion on April 10 primarily for threats made at school and in social media against students or staff. He said black and white students were disciplined and all were welcomed back to school. Newman said one student transferred to another school.
Concannon said disciplinary actions weren’t gang-related or about rap music videos.
“This is about reasonable school rules that were violated in a serious way,” he said.
Concannon didn’t specify what rules were violated, but the district’s statement said the violations “were severely interfering with the school operation and threatened the safety of some students.”
The lawsuit wants expulsions expunged from the students’ records and unspecified punitive and compensatory damages.
We have reached Negro saturation. They think they can get away with anything by planning there is this secret evil plot against them – “racism” – but the people are on the verge of getting completely fed-up. They have simply pushed it too far. They claim these evil racists are everywhere, plotting and scheming to hurt Black people’s feelings and make them fail at life, but no one can see any of it. And they can see that they can’t see it.
I am about the most racist person that most people will ever meet in their lives, and I have absolutely no desire to spend my time plotting against Black people or trying to hurt their feelings. In fact, I would much prefer that they tried to act more like human beings and behaved in a normal fashion.
Who are these people who are everywhere, secretly plotting to make them feel bad?
Who can continue believing in this retard-level conspiracy theory?