Thaddeus Baklinski
Life Site News
March 28, 2014

Parents with children attending a school in the Tucson Unified School District are outraged after school officials decided that transgender students could use whichever bathroom they “identify” with rather than be restricted by their biological sex.
According to KVOA TV, the Tucson Unified School District voted on March 25 to update its non-discrimination policy to include “gender identity and expression.”
Parents with children at Anna Henry Elementary School in Tucson voiced their concern at a meeting on Wednesday night where they related incidents that made their kids very uncomfortable.
John Bellisario, principal of Henry Elementary, when asked which bathrooms transgender students are encouraged to use, replied, “We have multiple restrooms, we have boys restrooms, we have girls restrooms, we have unisex restrooms, and the children can use the restroom they identify with. That’s based on case law all over the country.”
Susan Wright related an incident where her 10-year old son was using the urinal in the boys’ bathroom when a student he identified as a female walked in on him, according to a Tucson News Now report.
“My son won’t even let me go in the bathroom with him, he won’t let a female teacher go in with him, this did not make him comfortable,” said Wright.
“My child’s privacy was infringed upon. If he doesn’t want his own mother in the bathroom with him, he’s certainly not going to want one of his peers,” Wright stated.