Paris: Faggot French Commies Riot Against McDonald’s and So On

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 1, 2018

Those wacky French.

Always rioting.

…or so goes the usual joke about Arab riots in France. But actually, the actual French also riot, because they’re a bunch of fucking communists, which is why they let all those rioting Arabs into their country in the first place.


Police in Paris have used water cannons to break up a tumultuous rally. Amid May Day demonstrations, hooded individuals have been throwing smoke bombs and setting vehicles on fire in the French capital.

Live feeds from Paris showed chaotic scenes, as police attempt to disperse violent protesters while redirecting crowds of peaceful marchers to side streets. Loud bangs are heard in the background as smoke and tear gas billow down the streets.

Police pushed back against the rioters, peppering the crowd with tear gas grenades from behind riot shields and hitting the crowd with water cannon. Protesters lobbed firecrackers at the advancing force, as well as picking up and throwing back some of the gas canisters. Armored police vans and fire trucks are backed up advance.

Earlier, law enforcement tweeted there were around 1,200 “hooded and masked” individuals among the May Day demonstrators at the Pont d’Austerlitz bridge in central Paris. On Monday, police warned of possible clashes with far-left anarchists, after calls to make it a “revolutionary day” appeared on social media.

The rioters have torched several vehicles and vandalized shop fronts, including reportedly throwing a petrol bomb through a McDonald’s window.

Sweet Methuselah, not McDonald’s!

What is this, 1997?

Who thinks it’s edgy to anarchy riot against McDonald’s?

I remember 1997.

That’s when the band “Against Me!” released a pop punk album about anarchy that was sort of popular.

They talked about attacking a Starbucks.

At 13, it still didn’t really seem especially edgy.

I mean like… Marilyn Manson was edgier.

That’s roughly the time “Antichrist Superstar,” a concept album about… the Antichrist… came out.

Anyway, attacking Jesus, corporate America… that shit was definitely dead by 2003 or so.

These days, Marilyn Manson is trying to explain how he’s not a white-sexist-racist (and putting niggerbitches in his music videos to prove it).

And the singer from Against Me! is a tranny.

As for me, I’m listening to ALEX.

And thinking people who try to be edgy at all in current year should be thrown off of roofs.

We have serious business going on these days.

And faux rebellion against… corporate Christian America… is about the faggotiest goddamn thing I can even imagine.

How can you rebel against something that you get zero resistance rebelling against, unless you actually start throwing firebombs?

Like, look guys – look at me if you want to know what a political dissident looks like. I’m the most censored person in the world. America treats me like North Korea treats their dissidents.

Except I have no safe country to flee to, because the Jews control the entire fucking planet.

If you faggots rebelling against… Jesus and McDonald’s… think that’s the real threat, why not do a test?

Why not go out publicly one day and hold a sign up on the street saying “down with Jesus and McDonald’s” then go out the next day holding up a sign saying “down with the Jewish ruling class.”

See what the difference in responses are.

Then tell me who has the fucking power here, you smarmy little faggot.

If you want to be the system then get rich and get fucking pussy. Drive race cars. Do cocaine on a yacht in Ibiza.

You little bitches get absolutely nothing by being fake revolutionaries. You gain nothing personally, you gain nothing for your collective – you are helping the most powerful people in the world destroy you.

If you’re going to do that, you should get something out of it personally.

So – just go work on Wall Street and lighten the fuck up.