Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 14, 2015
Note: video contains unblurred titties.
Some Femen sluts rushed the stage at a Moslem conference in Paris, and ended up getting brutally kicked by a whole gang of snackbars.
Video is pretty lol, but the underlying psychology here is most interesting.
Presumably, they knew this would happen. They wanted it to happen. They wanted it to happen because
a) women literally take sexual pleasure in being handled violent, and more importantly
b) it shows how faggoty White men have become that they can do this to them and suffer no consequences.
It was a way for these women to mock the weakness of the White male in comparison to the primitive virility of these monkeys.
One of the women had written across her chest “nobody makes me submit,” which in womenspeak translates into “please, force me into submission.”
And White men won’t do that. Not in Northwest Europe or America they won’t.
The entire feminist movement is women acting out and begging to be disciplined by masculine men. They are now fully supporting the invasion, because they know that these monkey will indeed force them into submission.
It’s all subconcsious, of course. And it’s all perfectly natural and understandable, from a biological standpoint.
It’s time to man-up, White man.
Don’t ever submit to a woman. Don’t ever fear her. Don’t ever let her talk back to you.
Note: obviously, don’t get arrested either.
Know that she exists on this earth to serve you, and that everything in her being wishes to do this, but that you have refused to allow her to do this, and this has caused her to despise you. And that is why she is selling the civilization that your fathers built to a bunch of primitive apes.
Evolutionary biology, bro – it’s for sure a thing.