Paris: Knife Rampageer Stabs People at Multiple Subway Stations, Flees Cops

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 20, 2017

So there were two enrichments yesterday.

This on in Paris and the one in Oz.

Police are hunting a man who went on the rampage stabbing passengers on the Paris metro.

The police are looking for a man who stabbed or attempted to stab people in metro stations between the 10th and 19th arrondissements last night.

In one attack, at 9:15 pm the suspect stabbed three men with a knife, the Parisien reports.

The attacker the reportedly fled via the Riquet station. The victim was rescued by witnesses and transported to the Lariboisiere hospital by firemen.

Then at 10.45pm, at the Jacques Bonsergent station, a traveler was also assaulted by an unknown person who tried to stab him.

In a further attack at at ten minutes to one in the morning at station Gare de l’Est, two travelers were also assaulted by a man with a knife.

Eventually, these spontaneous enrichments will happen every minute.

Then we will finally be free of hate.