Paris Mayor (Woman) Joins London Mayor (Haji) to Congratulate Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 10, 2016

The stupid bitch Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, joined her greatest ally Khan the Paki, Mayor of London, to offer congratulate Donald Trump on his historic victory, saying “Mr. Trump is so stupid, my god, my god.”

Khan had a sad face as he nodded in agreement with the Spanish slut.

You can see it on their faces that they are aware that the time of their great misery is coming soon.

Hell has opened up, you scumbags.

The whole world has changed.

And there is nowhere left to run.

Despite the ongoing efforts of people like George W. Bush, Barack Obama, the Jews and Paul Ryan, America is still the most powerful country in the world, and it is now controlled by a White male who dgaf.

We can now shape the global narrative and bend reality to our will. There is no escape.

Speaking of France cucks – they only bothered to prepare a letter of congratulations for Clinton.

The Day of Retribution is at hand.

When the citizens of France and Britain see Trump building a wall and removing kebab, see us all out of the streets cheering him, they are going to say “well then, what are we doing? the Americans are allowed to have a country, why can’t we do the same?”

And then, without firing a shot, Trump will liberate Europe from the clutches of globalist kikes and their female and non-White tools.