Parkland Student Interrogated by School and Cops for Going to a Gun Range with His Dad

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 25, 2018

If you survive a school shooting, apparently you’re never allowed to use a gun again.

That seems very strange.

I think if I survived a shooting, I’d be stocking up on weapons.

Because it goes without saying – although I’ll go ahead and say it – that if the students at Parkland had been armed, no one would have died at that event other than the shooter himself.

Fox News:

Florida school shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv was recently called in for questioning by school officials for taking a trip to a gun range with his father.

Kashuv told Tucker Carlson that the interrogation was “a clear attempt to intimidate me.”

He said he was called to the school office and met with a school resource officer before a sheriff’s deputy showed up.

Kashuv posted a video of him firing a rifle at the range, captioned with a message intended to support respect for weapons and the constitutional right to bear arms.

“Because we can’t trust our government to defend ourselves,” he said.

Kashuv said the resource officer asked him why he’s “taking five AP classes” and would still “do something like this.”

“He came in with the notion that I’ve done something wrong by going to a gun range,” Kashuv said.

He said the officer saw the video and was alarmed by it. Kashuv said he asked the officer if he read the actual tweet, to which the lawman responded “I don’t do Twitter.”

This department is still being run by the kike Sheriff Israel, despite the fact that he is currently facing a vote of no-confidence from his own deputies.

Obviously, it is problematic for a school that is at the front of the gun control push – specifically because of this shooting – to have one of their own students who survived the incident out there saying “incidents like that are why we need the Second Amendment.”

It really shows how fragile their narrative is that they can’t tolerate any form of disagree with that narrative.

But what’s more… this shows that school officials are working directly with the police – and I would assume the feds – to craft this political narrative and to enforce it.

That is a radical and I believe new type of situation in America.

And every time I see some new weird thing like this, the whole “crisis actor” narrative becomes all the more believable.

I can tell you that.

I mean the fact that they made “oh we swear this isn’t crisis actors” a key part of the narrative from the beginning was weird enough.

But then all this weird stuff keeps getting weirder…

So idk.

Let’s just say: nothing about that situation would surprise me.

Then you add the Waffle House shooter – this guy who invaded the White House and then had all his charges dropped and then had his guns taken from him and then returned to him – and the idea that the government is running a mind control program to produce these shooters… well, I guess we’ll never know either way, but it is certainly something interesting to think about.