Party’s Over, m8: Brit Gets Untreatable Super-Gonerrhoea from Gook Hooker

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 31, 2018

Flying to Thailand for a week to party it up with hookers used to be the ultimate way to beat feminism and the general horrible nature of white women. Sort of a loophole in the kiked-out anti-white male system. You could go there, party hardy, get treated like a god as a member of the master race, get your urges out, then return refreshed and get back to work.

But that party is officially over.

nb4 “condoms, m8” – yeah you go ahead and try that, but uh… my friend told me that the ones in South East Asia are way too small and just break like nothing. Plus I mean, if you’re talking about an incurable disease, do you really want to put that on a thin piece of plastic?

Because once it breaks, you’ve got vaginal juices in your urethra and you cannot simply wash that out – you have to pee it out. And what if you don’t have to pee or you already did before?

Well, then you’ve got super-gonorrhoea and there ain’t nothing nobody can do about it.

The Telegraph:

The report of the first ever case of “super-gonorrhoea” – a bug which is resistant to frontline antibiotics – comes as no surprise to experts in sexually transmitted diseases.

Syphilis, HIV and a relatively new sexually transmitted disease – Mycoplasma genitalium – are also developing resistance to antimicrobial treatments.

Yesterday, Public Health England announced the world’s “worst ever” case of super-gonorrhea, contracted by a British man after a sexual encounter with a woman in South East Asia. The main antibiotic combination failed to cure the infection and doctors are hoping that one final treatment may work.

Infectious disease experts have long warned about the spread of drug-resistant gonorrhoea. A report by the World Health Organization last year revealed that gonorrhoea was becoming much harder to treat, with 77 countries reporting resistance to at least one antibiotic.

In 2016, WHO changed its gonorrhoea treatment guidelines, advising doctors to use a combination of the antibiotics azithromycin and ceftriaxone: this failed to work in the case of the British man and it is why doctors are so concerned. It is the standard treatment for gonorrhoea because so many other drugs have failed over the years.

Olwen Williams, a consultant in sexual health and president of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), said that this case had serious implications.

“This is a significant development because it shows that the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae has mutated a step further than we were anticipating,” she said.

“If these two drugs aren’t working we have to think what else we can use. One of the other antimicrobials we could use is spectinomycin but that is in very short supply,” she said.

Dr Williams added that it was important to grow the gonorrhoea culture in the laboratory to determine which drugs it should be treated with.

I’m just gonna throw this out there: I wouldn’t be surprised if our good friend Dr. Williams is the one who invented this super-gonorrhoea and distributed it amongst the innocent gook hookers.

She’s openly talking about growing it in a lab. And she certainly looks like the “the men know about the gook hookers – shut it down” type.

There is nothing that white women hate more than Asian women who break their pussy strike.

Hell, these western mostresses are enraged simply by the fact that gook females refuse to get whale-fat like the rest of globo-femdom.

They are viewed as scabs. And you can bet your bottom dollar that these feminist monsters would release a super-STD just to stop white men from having a single option other than to give their entire soul and bank account to some fat 30-year-old skank in order to get a piece.

So in my view, Dr. Williams is the first one who needs to be investigated here.

She has the tools and she has the motive.